Do you believe in your star sign? have you ever read your sign star sign and not long after its happened? cos ive read mine twice recently (in the past week) and they have both said i will fall...
I have been truly shocked this week reading about the gang rape of Mukhtar Mai. An honour punishment meted out by a Mastoi tribe after accusations made about her 12 yr old brother. I was...
Has anybody else tried this diet ? I am now embarking on my 2nd day. I am absolutely starving but a willing to suffer to gain the result I want! (DESPERATE MEASURES) I just wondered if this has worked...
has anyone been following the High Court case brought by an action group against the govt re the Railtrack liquidation. Could Stephen Byers really have been so devious or is it a load of mud...
In light of the current news about Pope John Pauls possible fast track to sainthood I was just wondering whether a saint can be decided by a person. Firstly the proposed saint has to have led a...
I have exams all this week and have 12 during the week. I have an R.E exam tomorrow, and I have sixteen topics to revise... small topics. I have NO idea how to revise. Any tips?
I am looking to take part in the Great North Run later this year, although I do not lead an extremely active lifestyle. Has anyone got any tips on how i should train up to this, regarding diets,...
When does a body gain a soul or when does a soul gain a body??? at conception? At birth?.......bit of a deep question but would be very interested to hear your thought & opinions
I have been using my treadmill for 3 months now I do it 3 times a week for 20mins, but it is becoming sooo boring i really dread doing that run but do it to keep fit! Is there anything else I can do...
i had a discussion with a friend about the what the body can do, i had been told that given the supplimeents of food and water the body can run forever! its just the weakness of the mind (e.g pain)...
Should Michael Jackson be allowed to get on with his life as he wishes as a free man, or should the court have stepped in to have a psychological evaluation of his state of mind. Regardless of whether...
Can anybody tell me the name of a tv series shown on bbc over 10 years ago. It was about two soldiers in ww2, one japanese, one australian, it was set in papua new guinea and in a prisoner of war camp...
Does it mean that any male in the USA can give a child alcohol and share a bed with that child without fear of charges? Now that Michael Jackson has bean cleared of all charges.
Hi. I just signed up for a telephone, TV and broadband package and it's a minimum of 12 months. However, I'm going to university in October so I don't want it for 12 months. They said if I cancel it...