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But would Jesus advocate spend spend spend to our neighbours when the national debt is huge?
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Pres Trump still wielding the axe But what is the point ? Is there any realistic chance of the Election Result being overturned , to keep him in office?...
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What It Means to Be a Christian 1 Pet. 2:21. The churches are full of half-believers of a casual creed. Why is having a religion that satisfies the worshipper no assurance that it is right worship ?...
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The Chairman of the FA has resigned after making two bad comments He referred to coloured players as black? And said being Gay was a lifestyle choice What has he done to create the anti race lobby to...
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Nigel Farage claims Trumps defeat is just a temporary set back and he will be President again in 2024 .Just a pair of nutters well suited...
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Really stuck on his one ,can anyone help please
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Instead of your Christian name it should be your first name. Also 2020 AD, why add the AD . Perhaps this year should be renumbered 0001 in the year of Covid. Just a whimsical thought....
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They think it's all over It is now The fat lady has sang...
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If so, why - and if not, why not?
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As I am looking at my TV screen,I see the figures---253 for BIDEN and 214 for TRUMP. Do I assume that those figures include the likes of TEXAS (38) and FLORIDA (29).If so why,if the count hasn't...
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But the Daily Wail features this story and the Beeb News has picked up on it. Any comments However, poor Danes - they say a woman needs four animals in...
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Why is the BBC news website showing - Biden 253 Trump 214 But fox is showing Biden 264 Trump 214...
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Believers or non believers, why do we do it? Asked myself this question today. The preachers will preach, the unbelievers will still be unbelievers, nothing new under the sun and all that. So...what...
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Judas was following God’s wish to sacrifice Jesus for humanity, Is it right for Some Christians to demonize him? Ps I’m a Christian btw but I came across this question tonight and it got me thinking....
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Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?
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And they expected people to take out a Britbox subscription for [i]that[i] ? Awful, unfunny, puerile rubbish - embarrassing....
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How does God view life ? JESUS love for the people ? After Cain murdered his brother, GOD told him: “Your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground.” ? Religion too has been behind the...
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But it appears we know what's going to be said as it's been leaked ,an enquiry to find out from who is to take place It's all happening at number 10...
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Even though it is a perfect place without any flaws or defects. If God grant our every wish, can we ask for the ability to become angry, sick, forgetfull, tired (etc)?...
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Was much better tonight. Joe nearly lost track of what he was saying a few times, especially towards the end, but managed to pull it back together again. Trump was less boorish, possibly because of...

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