An extra £150 has been added to my energy current balance taking it from being £520 in credit to now showing as £670 in credit. I have already had the second £66 amount paid into bank account so it...
photos from a mobile phone to a laptop. I have a Samsung Galaxy A12 mobile phone and a Dell laptop. i have a cable that i am sure i used before with my old phone, but it doesn't fit the one I have...
We are in a state of upheaval at the moment and my Acer laptop was unplugged. I have just switched it on and got a message saying that the battery was extremely low. By the time I found the plug and...
Our TV does not have an in built satellite receiver. I live within 10 miles of the nearest transmitter mast, on a fine day i can actually see the transmitter. Would a Freeview box plus an indoor...
We have been waiting for our energy discount to be applied. We pay by direct debit, our last dd was paid 8 days ago, anybody else having difficulties, as usual you cannot get in touch with british gas
Sorry - first attempt got lost ! For the past five weeks we have been struggling with British Gas to change our credit meter to a pay as you go meter. It all started so well - our Direct Debit was...
I’m attempting to not put the heating on until I’m absolutely desperate. But because I’m now quite cold all the time, I’m finding that I’m really hungry, and eating more! Anybody else get this, or...
I have just had a new tv delivered, without, would you believe the remote, I have contacted the appropriate person regarding this, but in the meantime is there anyway I can set this tv up without the...
A friend's child just returned from a school residential trip. The children spend this week at a residential place with outdoor activities etc. One of the activities provider called my friend's child...
My son tells me I should put WhatsApp on my pc so he would be able to keep in touch via his smart phone when out of the country , is this a good idea as me and the pc are working well at the moment...
Asda mobile, who I have been with for years, has informed me my PAYG rates will be going up in September. Calls from 4p to 15p per minute and text 4p to 10p. I rarely use it for calls but at 15p when...
I’m trying to do a spreadsheet for work and it’s for staff holidays so I have four columns with column C the amount in hours they’ve asked for and column D their remaining leave - is there a sim for...
Just watches 15 mins of this and found the acting appalling. It feels like it was made about 40 years ago very amateurish. Am I alone in this. Just switched off
I keep seeing the specsavers advert in ITV4 that features an elderly chap getting up from a chair and dancing around the same spot to music. It's an advert for hearing aids. All the same, it didn't...
I have been unable to play Wordle today unless I used a VPN. Without the VPN I got the message this site ie NY Times is not secure and wouldn't open. It's only started today. Also for some strange...
I bought tickets for Roger Daltrey show in Liverpool for 29 Nov 2021. Unfortunately the show was cancelled by Roger Daltrey because of Covid. I bought the tickets through Viagogo not realising that...