only one mammal left to find: answer (8 letters) falls between polar bear and pygmy hippo: popular reptile loses two times; papas step in and see to that. I can't find any at all in my reference... ...
It's almost the weekend! Woke to to the mess of the neighbours unidentified cats being in the house again! I mean I know which 2 cats it is, I just don't know whose they are. So this morning I've... ...
My husband has just collected two worming tablets and six flea treatment tablets from the vet for my two dogs - that's one worming tablet and three flea treatment tablets each. Cost £116. With... ...
My sons partners mother (basically mother in law) died yesterday. She was only 51. They all went on holiday together to Spain 2 month ago while she was relativly well (inc. my grandaughter) Cant... ...
Well just asking for assistance etc. I may have found a guy who is interested in putting the outhouse with the toilet, shower, sink in it at the back of my house. We are only corresponding by... ...
At one time it seemed every other house had a small bird in a cage. I used to keep budgies and cockatiels but the asthma put paid to that. I don't know anyone that has a budgie or canary now. My... ...
How many of you take out building and contents insurance... what is the chance of my house burning down?? My building and contents insurance has gone up from £270 to £409.... can anyone... ...
Well, a pretty relaxed weekend was had here.Didnt do the 5hr+ journey all the way from here in London down to Devon to see Youngsmow & new born baby as he is still in hospital till tomorrow, &... ...
His publicity photographs often show him in a bar with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, a pint in one hand and a meat pie in the other. I wonder when he's not in front of the cameras if his... ...
Can anyone recommend an insurance company? I have just had my renewal from LV and they are charging £140 more than last year which is extortionate. I intend to go on uSwitch etc but just thought I'd... ...
just being nosey here - the work you got done sounds good and I know it was a few years ago but who done the work for you - was it the same person who done the heap.
I have a design in my head for outside in my backyard - it will include a downstairs toilet which I need, sink and small shower. Is there any where i could see the design on the website - thanks Is it a good likeness? I think it's a good painting but I'm not entirely sure it's a good likeness. ...
in all the articles I read about being healthy, walking is always mentioned as the best and most desirable way to keep fit. However I find as ive got older that I cant walk without pain in my... ...
Are snakes worth the trouble? A news report says that snakes kill 7000 people annually in Bangladesh alone (probably 10s of thousands worldwide). It seems their main function ecologically is in... ...