Just last night a few mates & i were talking about movies,& i had to break the news to 1 of my mates that John Candy was actually dead.I think he has been dead now for 9 or 10 years.But my...
Assuming you flick a regular coin under regular conditions then the odds of it landing as either a head or a tail is clearly 1 in 2. What would be the odds for it landing say heads twice in a row,...
During ITV's television coverage of the Champions League Final in Istanbul on Wednesday last, there was a pre-match item involving a Liverpool poet reciting his poetical tribute to the Reds' journey...
For a year now we have all been trying to find the name of a fast pop song from the early 80's , we have a few names floating about ... but nothing concrete .All we could remember was the words were...
I watched Crush (with Andy Mac Dowell) and was blown away by the lyrics to a song which played about 2/3 of the way through. The words included "you are my angel". Can anybody help with the name...
I am planning a short trip to London next week and am staying in a hotel at Docklands. It is my first trip to London and was wondering whether anyone can tell me how far away the London Eye is...
This has no doubt been asked before, but as I haven't been an ABer for very long, please forgive me! Where did you get your nickname/monika for AB? Mine's very boring: mine and my husband's...
Between Norfolk and Sussex where can you go to visit the old military ungerground bunkers. I know there are some out there jsut not sure where. Any help would be great.
In an answer to an earlier question Octavius tried to start a story but unfortunately it didn't get very far. I thought it was a good idea, anyone want to try again? Two ground rules though; 1) Max. 2...
How would I go about 'investing' money in production companies looking to finance new film or theatre productions. I'm not talking thousands of pounds at my disposal, maybe one or two hundred.
I can remember my Dad having many Phrases that got a lot of use during my childhood. One ( of many ) was used after he put something in the oven. He would slam the door and say " Number One Gun fired...
Hi does anyone know what order the number sequences go in for each printing series of a book? I think a 1st edition has: 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 ( on the first page) but how would it...