Scargill and co before him he loses nothing whilst those he duped into striking lose...
...three US Presidents have visited Ireland, Clinton, Obama, and now Biden. Could it be their visits here coincided with times when the agreement was bogged down and there were Democrats in the White...
Her indoors suffers from the above . Her podiatrist has suggested bespoke insoles . Off the shelf - £20 Bespoke - £250 - built abroad . The bespoke ones would be better for her the podiatrist has told... they don't care enough about their unborn child to do it...
Twitter: BBC objects to 'government funded media' label - BBC News The BBC is objecting to a new label describing it as "government funded media"...
Mass illegal immigration? Cost of living crisis? Energy security? Nope. This week’s target for the Government is teens vaping. Have they lost the plot?... While Russians queue to withdraw their money from banks after the collapse of... ...when the hand wringers start accusing you of "demonising" you know...
Crikey - The Guardian is being very critical of SKS. Given The...
Why do American courts pas such ridiculous prison sentences, over 100 years for instance? I just read that D Trump faces a maximum of 136 years in jail. So he'll be 212 when he gets out. Perhaps he'll...