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off to see whitesnake tomorrow . support band is called the answer. sound quite good on website ,anyone seen em before live ? if so were they good.? thanx
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legal girl
Any ideas what I can get my father in law for his 75th birthday?
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Does anyone else agree that Jack in Lost is the most boring of the people on the island? When we see flash backs of him they're all SO boring! Either about his doctor days or his marriage days. He's...
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hiya! don't know if anyone can help but it's my dads 70th birthday in august. has anyone got any ideas of prezzies for the man who has everything! it doesn't have to cost alot, i would just like to...
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legal girl
Sorry if I haven't put this in the right section, but I'm new to this! I'm having a 30th birthday party and I don't want to be ungrateful, but I don't want to receive presents from people I don't see...
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I have just finished reading "Point of Origin", one of the Patricia Cornwell novels featuring Kay Scarpetta. I am confused because in this book, Benton Wesley, Kay's boyfriend, is killed but in a...
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If money was no object and you could do absolutely ANYTHING....wot would you do.....
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Why do we find certain physical features "attractive"? I love women's legs, but who says a leg is shapely? Is it just a received notion? I also like certain quirky features that some might consider...
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At the time I knew I'd been bothered by it but I thought I was OK about it all. I felt really unhappy though and I realised later it was because of that when I got home. I managed to fall out with my...
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Ok who on AB is :- The Wisest The Rudest (Manners wise) - The Naughtiest - The Nuttiest - The Dumbest - The Kindest ? The most unbelievable ? The One that speaks their mind -
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I have been reliably informed (by staff), that a special needs care home in my village has 7 convicted paedophiles and two convicted rapists (one of whom has committed 12 rapes - 2 at knifepoint). I...
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My little boy is nearly 5 and has taken to lying a lot. I cant get him to stop. Its generally about whther he has done something naughty but I cannot get him to admit it was him for the life of me. I...
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How are people getting on with the no yelling then? I have to admit to a couple of slips, my fault though. Saying that, the fact that I have been trying hard does mean the atmosphere in the house is...
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stressed out
I've just been confirmed as being 11 weeks pregnnt and i've been having the worst morning sickness. It's like every other day but today i brought up my cereal! nice..xx Anyway, i find it really...
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why are medical consultants referred to as mr and not dr and when did this practice start?
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How bad for you is diet coke, i have read the can im drinking as i type this and it says theres zero everything (sugar,fat etc)! but people have told me that its still bad for you, is this true??
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Are your dreams in colour? I heard on radio 2 yesterday that only 5% of people dream in colour, but everyone i ask says they dream in colour, so just a quick survey! And does anyone know how they...
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Does anyone know a genuine cure for hiccups that actually works ? none of these old wives tales about drinking out of the wrong end of a glass, getting a fright etc. but one that actually does the...
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Once again my hot flush'es have started up again (menopause). To me they seem to be getting worse, so now I have to have a air fan pointing right at me just to keep me cool lol. I sometimes think I am...
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Has anyone else suffered hair loss after having a baby? My baby is 4 months old and Ive noticed loads of hair falling out in the shower/on my brush etc. A LOT more than usual. Last night I found two...

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