More mature ABers may remember pre decimal coins they'd sometimes get in their change. Sometimes a Victorian penny and all the later Georges on silver coins from sixpences to chunky half... ...
I was watching Call My Bluff on BBC 4 this evening when I got all nostalgic. Do you suppose the kids today know that drinks used to be sold in cans with no ring pull?
I am thinking of getting an air fryer - I use the air fryer in my IP but would probably use it more if it were slightly bigger and a dedicated air fryer. The problem is work surface space. ... ...
I'm going to get my state pension in 2026 which will be a bit more than £11,500 per year. The tax allowance is approx a thousand pounds more than that. Just want to make sure this is right: If I... ...
I and 5 others are taking part in Village Quiz on Friday 13th Given the date, we would like a Weird Wacky & Creepy Team Name So you inventive and imaginative guys,please get your thinking caps on a... ...
I'm giving up my old banger (car), but it's only two months into the insurance. I've insured it for a year (I paid for the insurance annually). Thank you!!
Memory's a funny thing. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I just remembered :- I'm the king of the castle Get down you dirty rascal So, let's have some nostalgic chatterbank fun with a few of... ...
So what about Spiders. Love them or loathe them. We've a little camera watching the side path and door, very handy for seeing what delivery people do,when the postman or paper boy delivers, or to... ...
I take meds for my anxiety. I have a meeting with my med manager every 90 days or so. I had one a couple of weeks ago. She wanted me to go get some blood work done, so I did. She calls me a couple... ...
I am really enjoying the re-runs of Butterflies, the most bitter and sweet of bitter-sweet comedies. I still have the same massive crush on Wendy Craig I had when the series first... ...
This is up next month but I can't do it online so got the form from the Post Office and have filled it in and when I get new photo will post it. However at the very end of the form it wants someone... ...
We got our bathroom done up recently and put in a new shower with wet room type floor. There is a long metal grate on the floor that can be lifted out and under this is a long tray with the drain... ...