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Most of the TV advertisements for gambling websites extol the features available to punters, including deposit limits - presumably you set this to limit your losses. But none seem to have the option...
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Hymie According to the report by the World Health Organisation, no country where less than 40% of...
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This story interested me (and should interest NJ) – especially the part about the insurance company (Hastings Direct) effectively voiding the insurance based on the vehicle not being legally owned by...
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Apparently this person is devastated that they broke covid lockdown rules. Why do we have more news reports of persons who are devastated (to find out) that they...
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$3.7tn – Decrease in earnings of world’s workers during 2020 due to coronavirus crisis, according to research by the International Labour Organisation $3.9tn – Increase in wealth of world’s...
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Apparently the UK has now given the first vaccine shot to nearly 11 million people. Guess how many have been vaccinated in Africa? See below for the answer > > > > > > > > > Answer: 25 (just 25) –...
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(wherever the term ‘smart motorway’ is used - read ‘very dangerous motorway, where if you breakdown and remain in your vehicle, there is a high probability you will die’)...
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It’s good to see that the Dutch consider political incompetence a reason for resignation. It’s a shame Boris Johnson and co are not of the same view....
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Hymie Who would have thought?...
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This guy will get £160k salary for working 3-4 days a week in return for a shrewd investment....
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Fish in British waters are happier that Brexit happened.
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Hymie I recall Michael Jackson (he of pop-star fame) making a similar claim – can someone remind me how that went?...
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While he has less than two weeks before he vacates the White House - expect a very long list of presidential pardons to be announced within 24 hours of his departure. Some are suggesting that besides...
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The Republican’s reason for opposing the certification is voter fraud that robbed Trump of a second term, despite no evidence of wide-spread voter fraud. Political pundits have pointed out that this...
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I regularly buy stuff on ebay from the Far East (mostly China), however in the past goods (including postage) over £18 were potentially subject to tax. Not only did you have to pay the tax (typically...
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Muller heavily suggested that trump dangled the offer of pardons for those who refused to testify (against trump) in his enquiry. Now that has come to pass – it strengths the case for obstruction of...
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This seems a strange arrangement to me - whereby the president can pardon anyone of their choosing. If the Prime minister of the UK had such a power, I’m pretty sure the whole country would be up in...
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Hymie I commute each day over this route, and none of the vehicles travelling around me are...
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It looks like we are going to war with our European neighbours.
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The virus is able to determine whether (when in a pub) you are eating a substantial meal or just having a drink – and therefore infect you or not. I can think of no possible scientific explanation for...

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