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Can anyone help me with these questions - What sort of qualifications do you need to have to get on this course at University? How long is the course? What are the job prospects after the course? Many...
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Are there any "dodgy" places NOT to stay in Paris? Thanks Jacquie
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Its about a group of people on a bus and it crashes, just as a baby is born something happens to one of the men on the bus(the leading man)he gets a second chance at life if he can help all the other...
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Someone has tried (Twice now!) to break into our house, once in broad daylight and once at 11.30 at night. We have an intruder alarm but obviously that doesn't deter them! We have security lights too!...
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1. How can you make sure discrimination does not take place during assessment? 2. Why are standardisation meetings imprortant to students?
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Are they any good, do they emit a decent amount of light?
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I have noticed a nasty smell in my house, it smells a bit like FISH! We don't eat fish, so its not a leftover dinner smell... Could it mean we have a damp problem somewhere?
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What exactly is the rule on kissing as a greeting in France (if there is one) ? One cheek, both, air kisses, shaking hands...I seem to have experienced them all but never know which is appropriate
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Without meaning to be too vague, are there any real sure-fire signs of being ready to start a family? When should feeling ridiculously broody lead to serious baby consideration? Any advice...

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