"Good Morrow" This is Queen Christiana, QC , back from her holidays and ready to tease and tantalise you with more 'Hints and Links' . The Surrey countryside was beautiful, but, as usual, I felt...
Good morning to all, and I'm pleased to report a lovely bright sunny day in my part of the world, though the chill factor is somewhere down round my ankles !!! ah well, it's winter so what can one...
This will be the third week in the reign of Queen Christiana (aka Jackie) and I expect great things from the next MM Champion (whoever they may be) as they start to assert authority over the...
does anyone know of a new quiz with a nice long completion date that will give me lots of time to work on it, more than a month or six weeks would be great as spare time is hard to come by just...
cryptic clues: National Theatre not wanted to stage opening in edinburgh (M??); Male tucking into wine mostly becomes a monkey (??R???) (not positive about the R); Italy's foremost tenor, nothing...
I have been asked to come up with some snappy sayings to hopefully inspire a team at work. Along the lines of: If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've alway got. Never...
OK AQ, I'm prepared, now that you're back, and ready with a link for you to post the link words and then I'll do my little act!! shazzoooommm !!!!!! but I'll be back
This first week of the reign of Queen Christiana has gone remarkably smoothly ~ in spite of gremlins at the launch. However, I happy to reveal the chosen Link words of Christiana (aka Jackie) and they...
Well, the Moment of Truth has finally arrived when my elation at becoming the next MM Champion has to be translated into cold reality of providing action. I note last night on AB that crofter...
Good morning, Steff. Good morning, all. Here are your link words, crisp and hot to your tables. Emerald Plum Wellington Brown And the best of luck with that little lot.
Firstly the Sport section was messed around with unnecessarily, and now this You Tube rubbish! Can I suggest that everyone looks for another way of wasting their day as this place is heading in 1...