To my mind, these were the gold-standard by which other adverts could be judged. They were witty, memorable and inclined me toward the product ++. Can't today's advertising agencies emulate their...
I get a bus to my sixth form now the field is impossible to bike over, so I hadn't notcied this wierd dome thats suddenly sprung up, on an industrial estate on the opposite side of a field to our...
My daughter is currently learning to drive and is busy revising for her theory test. I bought an AA book with all 900+ official questions in it and there was a question on what you should do in the... In view of their past record were the police right to allow these thugs to march? Take a look at the second picture, do we want such scenes on our streets, and are their...
Go shopping for a few snacky things, but not even bother to get the things your family and you need such as sugar and milk OR go to your child's award night where they were going to get at least one...
what makes a woman, wife stay with their man after he has cheated on her more than once, its crazy but it happens all the time? serious answers please! in my mind here are some of the things finances...
hi everyone, iv been to the doctors a few times & had a hospital consultation as i have loads of small sebaceous cysts on my scrotum (ballbag). The doctors are refusing to remove them or even the...
As I'm typing this there's a sketch on BBC Radio 7 about a guy who goes into a wild (and completely illogical) panic when the police call upon him in connection with a murder along the road. It seems...
please help trying to get ready for my first job interview ever and am extremelly nervouse its a customer service job thanks everyone for reading and answering this thankkkkkyou
OK basiclaly i have an interview for an Applications Co Ordinator but i fear the way i answer the question " Why do you want to work here" will prove to be my downfall. I didnt answer it all...
ive just sold an item on eBay and it says that the item was paid using paypal 2 days ago but ive logged into my paypal accound and the money isn't there ? Is it because the money doesn't show up until...
I am the only son, if my father dies he is assuming everything goes to me, he has not made a will, other relatives are saying this is not so and he must make a will, any advce please, he is in...
Morning all, As title says I am female, early 50's and my hair has been thinning for a number of years. I stopped using hair colours as I thought this may be the cause - this is not so. I have been to...
http://www.straitstim.../STIStory_606434.html North Korea has fired live ammo at a populated island that is just south-west of Seoul; no-one killed but there are some injuries as well as damage to...
So hi guys.. Mum has a Dell inspiron not sure of which model.. It switches on and gets to welcome page then goes black and doesnt do anything, it wont let us start in safe mode or anything?? I'm...
Hi My daughter (aged 20) recently passed her driving test and about 2 weeks later her friend asked her to drive him and some friends to a Uni do as he had been drinking. Her friends said she would be...