Johnson today blamed his excellent civil servants and advisers and the current PM and Ms Gray and Dominic Cummings and everybody he's ever met, for everything bad that's ever happened to him. Do you...
Brits can now enjoy swimming in raw sewage thanks to Brexit – any other EU country providing such an option to their citizens would be fined by the European Commission.... her husband is jewish FGS! nasty Gary,...
This horrified and bamboozled me when it was first in the news last year My initial thoughts was...
If Sunak doesn’t get his act together, he could be next. If you don’t want to listen to the complete video, listen to Sunak answering the question (asked 5 times) whether he was aware of any...
In 2018 Reece-mogg said that there would be no need for checks at Dover; the delays would not be at Dover, they would be at Calais (due to Brexit). However the UK’s Department for Transport has...
Two things which turned me off some people in 2022. The King: For throwing his God-mother Lady Hussey under a bus. Boris Johnson: For recommending a 30 something, nobody friend of his wife, Carrie for...
Voters believe nothing in Britain is working anymore as they give LABOUR a huge poll lead. Richi Sunak is facing criticism over his failure to avoid strikes by getting around the negotiating table...