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China Doll
I have a slight (ahem) hangover which I'm sorting out with a bacon and egg sarnie and a bottle of lucozade but what does everyone else think is the best hangover cure? Also, if you have to work with a...
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so which do you prefere and why?
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I met a girl last weekend and we got on like a house on fire, the question though that is putting doubts in my head is that she said she is 18 nearly 19, whereas i am 23 nearly 24. She said this didnt...
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Since ive been on this site, ive noticed a number of familiar names - almost everyday... How do u get so much time to spend online??? My excuse is my job's boring and there's nothing else for me to...
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If you earned ?17k a year, how much money would you earn per month?
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....ok, so admittidly I was a little drunk when the thought popped into my little brain, however, I believe i'm on to a winner!! I have an idea and I think the Americans would love it and embrace it...
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I am currently with Lloyds TSB Bank and I can not wait to get shot of them because they have treated me abysimally through hard times when my husband was sent to prison, charging me hundreds/thousands...
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My predictions for the Q/F are as follows Germany 1 v Argies 2 Italy 2 v Ukraine 1 England 2 v Portugal 1 Brazil 1 v France 2 Your predictions please
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HA HA Good luck "tiger Tim" (have you ever seen anyone less tiger like than Tim flippin' Henman?? Go Federer!!
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catholic guilt is it heriditary or do just catholic s have it and why is it so heavvvvvvvy
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Is this the most ridiculous advert ever? I worked for Norwich Union for 30 years and can just imagine the Staff's reaction.
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I have tried googling this, but guess what - hundreds of pages about Wayne bloody Rooney! It took 3 visits to casualty and a final GP xray referral for my (inept) local hospital to diagnose this about...
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My friends and I had a bit of a discussion about this and I would like to know ABers opinions. To put it simplisticly I believe if you are willing to receive (for you or on behalf of someone else,...
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what over the counter antihistimines can people recommend?
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Headless Rat
Had a date last week with a guy, last Thursday to be precise!All went well (or so I thought!). Ended the date by having a good, passionate kiss and went our separate ways.Problem is I havnet heard...
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do you have split second werid thoughts occassionally? i do for example if im standing on the top of a hill i will think shall i throw myself off just to see what happens? (yes i know what will...
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I've been doing the slimming world diet which has been good, but now I seem to have come to a stand still, I would just like to lose around another 5 pounds or so, does anyone know of a good diet to...
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Hi, I'm currently putting together my family tree..... I'm struggling to find the name of my grandad's mother. I know her maiden name but can't find her first name anywhere? Can anyone suggest a place...
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anyone from hereon in; please only genuine England fans to post here - not chip-on-their-shoulder cynics or anti-english 'lets-all-support-brazil-coz-our-team-are-s**t-and-brazil-are-a-sure-thing'...
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Lampard (cows ar*e / banjo) Becks (despite scoring) Ferdinand (overated and nervy) Carragher ditto Bring Lennon on from the start. The guys itching to play a full game, and for the few minutes he was...

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