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Nigel Farage says in today's Telegraph, that immigration will be the defining issue of the referendum- the polls suggest he is right, what do you think?...
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A question for you, Sqad, given your famed love of Ibuprofen. Recently, I damaged my median nerve, left shoulder, the trapezium stiffening up to protect it. Pretty painful this last three weeks. I've...
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anotheoldgit And while we are on the subject of Gollies, it...
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anotheoldgit Is...
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Due to technical problems I won't bore you with, we are forced at the moment to watch live TV, which means even going so far as attempting to watch things like 'Midsomer Murders' (the earlier and...
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Looks like Corbyn has lost the race for the Labour leadership.Russell Brand has just endorsed him.
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I am studying philosophy and would very much like to understand Anselm's 'Ontological argument' for the existence of God, but so far, after lots of thought, I still don't get it. Here's the basic...
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I do some part-time work for which I need to print out about 600 A4 sheets of good quality greyscale documents a year in addition to the covering letters to my clients etc in black ink. If you include...
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Should UKIP welcome Katie Holmes' overtures? Or run screaming to the hills? Tough one...Ms Holmes is a...
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piece of evidence that God exists...just one! Have just been reading through the posts here on R&S and all I see are (tortuous) apologetics for ones own belief system. We have Theland who pleads with...
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anotheoldgit /// Of course, if his cast were to be truly reflective of the period they should all be...
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What are the advantages?
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I see this horrible woman has been given her own TV show (it starts next week). I for one, won't be watching!
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Advice please I know its a offence to park on pavements, a elderly couple live in a narrow street there neighbour constantly parks on the pavement outside there front door, making it very hard for...
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What does this tell us and how concerned should we be?
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anotheoldgit Is...
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god knows the horrors this poor girl went through. begs the question, why are people guillable enough to travel to these places to help . look what happened to all the other aid workers before her....
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I have a zipped folder containing a list of 50 names, next to each one is a Microsoft word icon. If I click on one it gives me the postal address of that person. I am trying to make list just of those...

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