Do fat and unhealthy people not watch tv after 9:00? Or is it perhaps our 12-13yr olds are now avidly watching tv chefs and knocking up loads of meals? If you ask me, just more twaddle from the health...
I enjoyed the first couple of series but I can't see why anyone would want cameras following them around all this time .
It is starting to get boring for me....
hi there I cant decide whether to take the sedation or not for a colonoscopy so many stories good and bad I have heard. I am quite an anxious person so I dont know whether or not I should take the...
Don't think its fair that Denise and Kimberley are still in as they are both professional dancers (so say the newspapers). But its getting really boring, I just watch Sunday now over the top of my...
So I get half way through my driving test today and everything is going great, no minors or anything and I get to a box injunction in the middle of the town and my exit was clear so I went but a car...
Why on earth do they show themselves up by going on I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here? Shrieking and crying surely is not good for the image :)) Helen is pathetic ...........
Hi I've applied for a few jobs recently but have only heard back from one. My question is, how long should I wait to contact to the employer after I have sent my CV, and what is the best thing to say?...
Why does the government always rattle on about its desire to get 16-25year olds into a job but doesn't mention people outside of this age group? Don't older people matter? Isn't it a concern that...
Praying on the weak, poor and vulnerable some of these loan companies charge up to 4000%. I though loan sharking was illegal, but clearly not. Why is it the EU can dictate barmy things such as...
Just infuriate me... I have a vague acquaintance on FaceBook, and she posted her cat wasn't well, so I asked what was wrong and just got this back... " He was sick last night and I hadn't seen...
O no, it's that time again - I hate putting the clocks back, I want to go into hibernation, it's so depressing getting up and coming home in the dark...:-(
I've got an interview with Marks and Spencer but I only have my Birth Certifcate as a form of I.D. I dont have any proof of address has I've only just moved into a new househare and I know my N.I...