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I have recently met what I would regard as a wonderful woman and is all I've ever wanted. Things are going really, really well with us, and everyone says how great we are together. Last week I stayed...
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If someone made you a mix tape of special songs would you be pleased or think it was really lame? And if you were making a mix tape for that special someone what song would you absolutely have to...
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when you log on to AB what topic do you go to first mine is always body and soul
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how long does it take to say THANK YOU to someone on here. after you have helped them with their question on this site they cannot be arsed to take 2 seconds to say thanks it really bugs me...
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I'm putting together some Christmas showboxes for children in Romania and Mozambique. Pretty much ok for Romania as did some youth work there but does anyone have any suggestions as to small or easily...
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My kids school has no set reglion , and today all the kids aged 9 to 12 were to visit a mosque . I first the parents were okish about this idea , as we were told two weeks before hand , yesturday...
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this is quite emberising but here goes - I have tried waxing down below with veet on tuesday night, in the past it never worked so i gave it another go, once i got used to the pain i kept going...
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What were your weddings like, or for those of us who haven't had one what would yours be like?
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Yesterday I posted a question under the title 'breast lumps'. I was asking if malignant breast lumps felt different to benign ones. I lied and said that I was curious after a conversation at work...
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what image do you have of various ABers when you're on here?... Wardy... mid 50s... 5ft, 6... stocky... balding with a handlebar moustache! China Doll... 4ft, 3... knuckles scraping the ground... pink...
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My husband and I are currently trying for baby no2. My period is like clockwork, every 28 days, not a day over or under. My period is 4 days late. I have done two home pregnancy tests, both of which...
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cant believe i have got to sit in darkness tonight because of all the kids trick or treating!! my wife (who has gone out) has left loads of goodies in little bags for the scroungers but i am taking...
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if u come 2 my house trick or treating .what treat would u want me 2 give u ?
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Does anyone know if malignant breast lumps feel different to benign ones in any way? (P.S I don't have a breast lump but was curious after a conversation in the office today!)
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Just to get the night started e=related&search=
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What are you? Single? Married? Living in Sin? Other?
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Yes, I know I should be in animals, but I like the lively spirit in this section and know I will get more help!! We are getting her on Saturday and need inspiration - many thanks!
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hi, has any ladys out there had a coil fitted? if so would u recommend it as i am having one fitted next week
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wot till i get for letting someone drive my car who didnt have a licence and had been drinking?
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I'm having a relationship with a girl for the past 1 year. I know her for the past three years. One of my friends used to love her and has forced her to break the relationship she was having then with...

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