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Sometimes i think im gay but sometimes i dont , anyone had that experience ? can anyone help me ?
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I was looking on the net for labrador puppies yesterday+came across an American site for Silver labradors. Has anyone else heard of these+do you know if i can get one in the UK?
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Lee Priest
I seem to not heal very well from minor scratches, even when my cat attacks me, I'm left with a scar, and even after 2 months the scar is still there. Should I be worried?
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Which animal (discounting insects and disease carrying animals) is attributed to causing the most human  casualties a year?
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If you were in a can travelling at or near to the speed of light and you turned on the lights would the light be travelling faster therefore go back in time or would it be nestled in the...
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whats the average weight for a 14 year old girl about 5'ft 2?
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I am convinced that friend of my 13-year-old son is stealing my underpants. Everytime I notice a pair have gone missing, it is usually a few days after the boy has been at our house. He has taken them...
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I bought a new pair of shoes that are made from man made fibres.  After the first wear I was crippled.  I have shoe trees but they don't seem to have any effect, maybe because they...
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bath puffs? shower gel thanxs x
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I found a dead turtle on the beach in Queensland, Australia.  How do I   clean it out and polish the turtle shell without damaging it?
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My dog likes to chew metal, especially the bracelet of my watch, but only if I am wearing it. Any ideas as to why she does this?
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I suffer from frequent nightmares, some quite horrific.  I have tried many methods of curbing them. When discussing nightmares with a friends sister, she advised that I may have a bad...
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what do u do when ur partners mother is controlling and makes u feel like a spare part cos anything i could do she could do better for him. she also has to know his every move and texts and phones him...
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why do women use children as pawns,such has you will never see your children again if you dont agree to everything they say. ex wives I'm talking about.? has anybody else got the same problem
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I am going on a trip to Singapore for 6 days and then onto Sydney, Cairns Austarlia finally calling at Hong Kong should I take travellers cheques or some money and then use an ATM
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A friend of mine is French and living in London.  She is travelling to New Zealand in January, across to Australia in February an dback to London in March. Does anyone know what Visa's shw will...
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The wild bird food we put down attracts so many pigeons that smaller birds are driven away, what can we do to  stop them.
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My son spends every waking moment playing games on his PC. How can I get him motivated to get looking for a job. His attitude is awful when I raise the subject.He hasn't worked since leaving school in...
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What drugs can they smell? Is it just marijuana? They can sniff out bombs too, and people, but what drugs, what drugs?
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please help. My cat has fleas and now they are all over the house.Ive tried a few products but have all failed.please,please,please can somebody help remove these fleas from my cat and my house? many...

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