About 9.30 this morning I went out to put some washing on the line, and I was caught up in a noise I couldn't identify. I looked all around me and then upwards. The sky was filled with swans flying in...
I've taken the same route through the woods,with the dog for about the past five years but this morning I saw a fleeting glimpse of a bird that I don't recall seeing before. It flew up from under a...
My friend was attacked with a glass bottle on a night out and retaliated by punching the guy to the ground and he did kick him. he's now been charged with GBH and been held in custody as he is on...
Not bought one for years, so any recommendations would be appreciated, as just reaching 70yrs, with a bit of an old spine injury and feel a bit achy & stiff when I wake up....
Whilst I was taking a stroll at lunchtime, a funeral cortege drove past me and so I instinctively removed my hat. However, I noticed that the undertaker in the passenger seat of the hearse was wearing...
Hello, I am trying to locate a song that was played quite a bit on 6Music this time last year. However I can only remember a small part of it, a North American female singer saying the word...
This morning I listened to a discussion on St Patrick’s Day where the general consensus was that it’s a good excuse to get drunk – but seriously – why would anyone deliberately intend to get...
Flicking through the channels I came across a channel showing a sitcom called 'Not Going Out' and found it amazingly funny. Obviously these are repeats, when was the original show broadcast, how many...
Anyone watching this programme on Beeb2 about this unbelievably humble and, dare I use the word, nice man, aged 81? If there ever is a candidate for a knighthood, it's him - 7 bike world championships...
Just watching a repeat of Jonathon Ross interview with Madonna (missed it the first time around) and the subject of drugs came up. Made me think a bit, never thought of myself as a 'druggie' but...
Last summer i was plagued with a large mosquito problem which looks like it originated from my plant pots as they were always overfilled with water and were filled with thousands of wriggling insects...