19ac (PURPLE): I can't see one arrives at this from 'Cardinal's robe Jack left in Peru'. Similarly, 17ac (MAFIA ) and 'Money accepted by fellow in a criminal gang'. Could someone please explain?...
Any help appreciated to move on 37a (9 letters). It's about being 16 in the Church of England ??I???N?? 42a (9 letters). Salts for tree dwellers ?Q?I??E?S 18a (7 letters). Pardon me getting nasty...
I posted this question in the riddles section in error, sorry, but can anybody help with these 2 questions? 6th C = M K (It is not Mohammed killed as he died in the 7th century. 40 = CN I only have...
I'm very stuck on the bottom left hand corner of this puzzle, and wonder if some kind person could get me going again by giving me the answer to: 29d Maybe folk think endlessly about getting one first...
Inquisitor 66 At first, I thought that some of the clue numbers as printed are incorrect. Because, for example, there is no grid entry for 19a. The same goes for 20d. But I have decided that it is the...
Completed the grids+ found the thematic word, but I've played the solitaire through half a dozen times and can only see five instances where either a horizontal or a vertical jump is possible...
Am stuck on the last three. 25A louis? 23D tiered? and 29D. I have as?r. The changeabke letters I have left are F. K and M. No idea what is required for the 26th missing letter. Help!!!
I have solved the theme and worked out the augmented words but cannot work out what they are looking for with the reduced words. Any advice would be welcome
I've completed the whole puzzle, but I don't have any idea of the 'thematic advocate' (7,5) which I think is an anagram of MOAYYTRHELUT. From that I would hope to know the four letter word to be...