Hi. I am looking for a sliding door for my bathroom. I cant find anywhere does does the whole kit. All i can find are places that sell the tracks. I want to buy the door and track. Many Thanks
On the "Chatter Box" thread earlier I suggested that "What did you have for dinner tonight ?" was probably the most frequent and annoying title that appears on here!!!!!! Someone replied, "I beg to...
I have noticed in the spare room dampness in the corner of the room It cannot be condensation as the room always has the window open and it also has the radiator on too What can it be? I have also...
We are supposed to be getting some of this tomorrow. I remember when I was really young, I had a teacher who had a white Hillman Imp and she took us outside to show us the red dust that had settled on...
We are considering buying a Residential Park Home, one that you can live in full time as your permanent address eg your post gets delivered to it and you pay council tax on it etc. With a normal house...
Up to now I have been happy with a compact smartphoine and my laptop at home. I now find myself checking e-mails and news websites when out. I am torn between buying a tablet (with a dongle) and...
Thread Worms my 3year old has worms, she was always scratching saying she is itchy... on inspection of her stools there were wiggly white worms in it.. my stools are ok but partner has them too, we...
I have been looking in to some more adjustments to help me at home pending going back to OT which I just don't seem to be getting anywhere with at the moment (physio trying to sort it). I have found...
ive had hep b 5 years ago and i drink alcohol regualary. docror told me 4 years ago i need to stop dtinking full stop, albeit its only beer. i never drink water. i got a few voicemails from the...
Here's a thing now. I know enough not to block up airbricks, but these aren't airbricks. These are holes, plain n simple. I've never got up close enough to see if Jerry, the original builder of this...
Does anyone agree with me that councils in the UK should build large quantities of Prefab Bungalows to ease the shortage of affordable Social Housing. I have very fond memories of these so called...
not so anglo saxon looking, not robert powell or jeffrey hunter