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allenlondon Tigers in a New York zoo have the coronavirus. What next? The fish in the sea? The birds in the air? Few...
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Some talk of life returning to 'normal' once the virus is 'under control', so to speak. However, there are also those who talk of our way of life changing as a result of Covid19. Given that many...
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it's all true though, china's wet markets and eating anything that moves, horse bolted yea, but it's all true though, could have been prevented, or at least nipped at the bud....
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I was hoping for Wrong-Daily!
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I thought everyone was supposed to have had one. We are still waiting ......
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Well if hairdressers and barbers remain shut - we will all end up in the above. I can't even buy scissors to try and attempt mine....
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Only the selfish will venture out this weekend. Please don't do it.
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At first I thought it was an April fool but the date is April 3rd
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Anyone watch this program? Looks like we could be in Lockdown for months. Petty bleak....
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This question arises from a conversation I had here earlier - and it’s something to talk about other than the miseries of Coronavirus so that can’t be a bad thing. So … the Marxist Mantra - "From each...
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We use less oil, so price falls. So far, so free market. And then what do the Saudis and Russiabs do? Cut oil production = less oil = higher prices. And yet no-one says Boo to this blatant...
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Boris may survive the virus but surely him, Hancock, Rabb and co will not survive as MP's after we emerge from this mess. Same goes for Trump and co....
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JC about to be interviewed on Jeremy Vine Radio 2. We need all the laughs we can get at this time.....
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Who really cares at this moment in time that Wimbledon is to be cancelled , tell that to someone who has lost a family member.
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Enter your postcode and drop a heart o to the map.
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On the news this evening we see hundreds of people cramming into trains at North Acton. Then we hear we are allowing 100,000 nationals to fly home from all over the world. This Government is not doing...
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Bear Grylls is taking cucumber sandwiches on his adventures now, or still munching on any dead carcass he comes across. :0)
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Bobbisox1 Is it time now to impose heavy fines rather then the police “ issued a stern...
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Any one who believes the Government is on top of things in the Corona crisis needs to watch this morning's Andrew Marr Show and the Michael Gove car crash interview. From the email from the EU that no...

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