Theland, done as you asked and started reading Genesis, now Cain kills Abel, God marks cane with a mark that tells anyone not to kill him or suffer God's fury. Seeing Cane is only the forth person on...
Abortion is obviously a very emotive, sensitive and difficult subject. I want to hear peoples views on abortion, it can be from your religious point of view or just from your moral point of view. Is...
Has anyone seen the reports of a 32 year old man from London who now lives in India and whom Hindus in Gujarat regard as a reincarnation of the goddess Bahucharaji, the patron of Indian eunuchs? He...
I was wondering why does that girl who has been kidnapped in Iran needs to use the scarf to cover her head if she is not a muslim? I found this a complete lack of respect for other people's choice of...
Why do so many people in Britain dislike Americans so much? I have worked with them, mixed socially with them, visited them in their homes, and always I have found them very much the same as us. They...
Could we possibly do a quick headcount - just a one liner to say if you're male or female - or even a 'don't know'? Some of the names don't give an indication, and having confused one man for a girl,...
Noah, he gathered up 2 of each animal on this planet, put them all on one boat, floated around for a couple of months and then found the shore. How long did it take him to put all the animals back...
I've solved most of the clues, but I'm finding No. 26 a real stickler. I'm not looking for the answer, but for someone to tell me they have solved this one just to give me a little hope!!!
Do you have any words of wisdom you live by? Any thoughts or one liners that would encompass your beliefs or way of life? A short anecdote to sum up an experience that you learnt by and could possibly...
There are obviously quite a few different views about religion and spirituality on here and I find it quite interesting to look at why people believe in what they believe in. All of us see the world...
Hi Theland, sorry to hear that you have been unwell - hope that everything will be sorted soon and that you will be back in good health. I'm sure I heard you say before that you used to be an Athiest...
Although I read this section a lot this is the first time I've posted a question. I'm interested to know what people's views are on the latest pronouncement from the pope....
Question their sweeping statements with logical argument and they disappear completely until something else comes up. If they're so sure of their subject, why don't they answer?