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As you all probably know, I am alone,a bit frightened,and rather isolated here. My two friends,who have been looking after me,since my breavement,are not back from their hols till Thursday. So I now... ...
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Can we hear some of your favourites please.
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I am type 2 Diabetic,and taking Metformin. Sadly,they seem to give me sporadic Diarrhea,but I take Imodium to counteract this. Has anyone experience of Metformin,and it's side efects.I have asked my... ...
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I will be on my own this Christmas Day. So I am so surprised (but probably shouldn't be) just how many people, new friends,who are looking after me. One family(with 5 ki8ds) took me for drinks in... ...
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Well guys,it wasn't for all of you on AB,I might  not be here! My late partners brother,who is the administrator of the estate.has received the death certificate.This means he can now "unfreeze"... ...
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I bought something from ebay that I have put towards my crafting.  However, after the first use, it simply doesn't work! It's a template I use to cut card/paper, but it doesn't cut out paper/card... ...
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My Mother always said"Put a bread poultice on it!" for any kind of spot/boil or infection. I can see how make them, but as the spot that won't go quickly enough is on a bum cheek,I don't see how I... ...
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I enjoy Drew Pritchard in the series "Salvage Hunters". I have looked on the net for what he is doing now,but it is a bit confusing. I get the feeling that these episodes are quite old,as according... ...
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Being recently breaved, I imagined that I had dealt (with my deceased partners brothers help) all the paperwork. Then it occured to me that the BT/Broadband bill was paid by direct debit! I didn't... ...
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I have my deceased partners car in our drive. It cannot be seen from the road,' I presume it can sit there till the road tax runs out .I cannot find any road tax documents in my partners papers,so... ...
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  My Gay partner of nearly 50 years,died very suddenly last Thursday(16th November) from heart attack, while shopping with me in Sainsbury's.The Medics did their best,but to no avail. I am... ...
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If the commission on selling is 15% plus vat at 20%, does that mean the auction house take 35% of the sale?
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  Now for some updates on two of my previous questions. I can now slice my own thin bread,and will not have to search supermarkets for it! With this slicing... ...
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I am not having much luck with (supermarket) avocados.I bought two on Thursday,the first was rock hard on that day,but the second was just ripe enough.How do you check them for ripeness?Please... ...
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How about you? 'According to a new poll, only one in three young people knows what Remembrance Day commemorates. Over 1,000 British adults aged 16-75 were polled on which war was commemorated on... ...
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ToraToraTora   ...
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I answered a post about "were you ever in a demonstration?" Now I can't find it ( I am probably not looking in the right place), has it been deleted? Can you help me find it.
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If so, what were you protesting about and was your experience positive or negative?   If not, given a cause you felt strongly about, would you?
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I used to get rolls of this from Lakeland,but they have now discontnued it. It had lots of very small perforations,to let any steam out,it was great. I get the feeling,from the Internet,that you can... ...
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anyone watch it last night?  I dont think i have ever seen a challendge they all failed before!

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