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Does anyone know what Steve Pemberton's character's actual job is? He goes through historical cases, but is he a copper? Seems a strange role to have? TIA x...
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Any idea what date this four parter starts in March ?
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Just saw a sparrowhawk take a pigeon from my garden. Poor pigeon didn't know what hit it and all that is left is a scattering of feathers. Cruel but a magnificent sight.
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Tried the Tom Fuguson diet? i have completed a fourtnight & got weighed at boots today, lost a stone in a fortnight, have you tried it & are you pleased?
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We have a neighbourwho has a disabled badge. However they regulary let another neighbour (who is not disabled) park in their bay whilst the "disabled" neighbour parks across the road. This...
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A car (*****head neighbour) is parked (illegally) in a disabled bay. They have intentionally (I am POSITIVE)parked my husband in. The Q is: If my husband dented their car whilst pulling out ...whose...
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Both of these confuse me especially twitter but have been toying around with the idea of starting one to document parts of my life as an online diary which is open to anyone that is interested. Does...
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what was the inspiration for the swastika flag and why did they choose it?
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a freind has been advise to try a lactose free diet for a while, but as she's a 'cheeseaholic' its a bit of a problem, what is hard cheese? she thinks its stuff like cheddar and soft cheese is brie...
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Does anyone know where you can buy infant/children's shoes in width D? Tried Clarks but they seem to start at an E. TIA...
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Hi, i am a single parent to a 7 year old, her father has not played any part in her life to date, apart from one 10 minute trip which i took to introduce him to his then 6 month old daughter. (the...
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Sorry once again if this is the wrong area for this question but it has been bugging me for years. Many many moons ago I heard on the radio that if you saw a smoky lorry or bus then you could phone up...
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i must be missing something when texting on my new phone. On my old one, it would learn new words and afetr so many uses automatically store them. Or there was an option to spell a word and enter it...
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OMG I feel so embarassed for her, Grahman Norton show tonight.
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My grandson, Mason, who is three is coming to stay for the weekend, however he is going through a phase of only eating 'white' food. I do pasta with White sauce and rice, potatoes, fish, cauliflower....
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Every day I spend time scrubbing away at the water stains on my stainless steel draining board and cleaning the stainless steel sink. Can anyone tell me why it is called "stainless" steel...
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Has anyone got any ideas about art activities I can do with babies (5-13 months). I need to do a display at work and it's just dawned on me that their abilities aren't up to much. I was thinking about...
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phoned police this morning as son lost it and put holes in 2 (new) doors, and i was scared he would turn on me. they came, took statement, and i didnt press charges as his gf is pregnant and as long...
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they deserve a bigger house. Surely they should stop breeding?
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1.explain one advantage and disadvantage of nomadic and settled society. explain one example of which side is better off in the ancient (pre greek) world. 2. explain one way that assyria wins th world...

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