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Instead of calling the non entities who appear on all these crapola reality shows 'celebrities' is there another word we could make up, I came up with ASIWNT i.e. Attention Seeking Idiot With No...
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What's yours?  Be interesting to see how ABers favourite driving tunes compare with the list Top Gear are trying to compile..... let's have a couple of choices each.   I'd go for The...
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Honest opinion....I am in a dillema about my newly five year old's redundant buggy...he hasn't been in it for a year but I think it might be helpful on our holiday at night for coming...
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How did you mums cope? How difficult was it getting into the routine, particularly if you were a bit disorganised and messy beforehand.
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A discussion in the pub between friends raised this question. We are a group of forty somethings and we all agreed that the worst drivers in the world are old men who wear hats. What do you think?
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Sad enough but loads of you must have watched it already. So what do we all reckon to it so far then? I've not seen enough yet to form an opinion as I was at work when they entered the house. Would be...
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I'm sitting here watching 'Big Brother's most outrageous moments', thinking god this is pants, yet strangely addictive - I'm seeing the summer stretching ahead of me - I'll try not to watch it, but at...
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I'd just like to know what people think of Doctor Who so far. Alot of people i know dislike it, including people in my family. I really like it and i just would like some more views on it.. Thanks xx
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I notice all the sensible people complaining about that frog, the sad thing is that it will probably be number 1 in the charts next week. We should all put a ban on buying this damn record, it was bad...
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The Tiggster
What a question to ask! I am at the end of my 1st trimester & I wish I could remove my boobs & put them in the freezer! The problem is they itch all day, especially the nipples. My midwife...
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how much on average do you spend on your weekly food shopping(including alcohol) there are five of us and i still buy all the childrens toiletries etc. my bill seems to be spiralling upwards, probably...
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What are everyones favourite lines/quotes from these two superb films??
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If you could travel back in time to when you were 15 years old what 1 piece of advice would you give yourself?
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Just Max
How do you stop bullies?
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I'm not saying it because she's a fellow Aussie but just wanted to say that we are devasted for her and wish her a full recovery. She copped a lot of flak here years ago but was returning to the...
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I am interested to know brands but also how drinkable low cal wine is. I know weightwatchers do wine but can never find it. I drink dry whites and rose's and love cava, can anyone advise...
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Should offenders have to wear orange outfits when doing community service?
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Why is it that when you're with your partner long term, all your friend, family and colleagues want to know when you're getting engaged? Then you get engaged and they want to know when you're getting...
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I worship the ground my 18 month old daughter walks on, and since having her my (our) life has become enriched.....................However, I have a problem......................I don't like other...
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Does anyone know the name of the song in the Persil advert currently showing. The words go something like 'Be young, be foolish, but be happy!' any ideas? Thanks x

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