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At the end of the Land of Leather advert the writing reads something like "Pay nothing for a year...max age 75" Surely this is discrimination?
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My baby's due in 2 weeks and I'm thinking about the labour now (eek). I have a huge bag packed but is there anything I might not have thought of that you found indispensible to take with you or any...
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Anyone know much about the MMR and that controversy?  I'm worried about taking it for my lil' 18-month old.  But the Surgery are reminding me that his immunisations aren't up to date. Also,...
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I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem,my 19month girl was caught escaping from her cot , the side was up and she had been playing in it ,I went in to get her and she had both legs on the...
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waking up continuesly throughout the night.can anyone help to solve this problem.
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Hi, i drive a mini one and wondered if anyone knew of a pram that actually folds to fit in the boot without having to put thew rear seats down? I know the other option is to get a bigger car but...
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Hi everyone, I'm writing this on behalf of a friend who doesn't have access to the internet, but needs some advice! About two nights ago his 4 year old daughter had a very bad nightmare - she woke up...
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I just wanted some advice. Our 2 1/2 year old daughter is all "Mummy, mummy, mummy" at the minute and has been for about 2 months or more now. She won't go near my husband, won't give him a kiss or a...
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I can't seem to find any information about how to obtain a temporary working visa for Australia. I can only find one if you are aged 18-30, and I'm over 30. Any information would be welcome....
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mongos bird
Fab post In A Pickle, thanks for sharing that with us.  It's got me thinking.  When you're feeling at a low ebb, what poem or saying gives you strength?  My fave is the...
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What are your feelings on girls as young as 10 being taken to beauty salons for facials, eyebrow shaping, manicures and fake tans?  This was a subject on TV a.m. this morning.
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the s star
best cheese in the world?
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I had an accident at work today.At the time i thought i'd broke 3 fingers.I was sent up to the hospital to get them x-rayed.I arrived at the hospital at 1.05pm & didn't get seen till 3.50pm i then...
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Hi, I have a concrete drive and pathway and the local cat population use it as a communal loo. This has been a fairly long standing problem that I have been unable to stop.  Can anyone advise a...
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Back to theme music.  Whats your favourite TV theme tune one that brings back memories.  I am 45 and the Dr Who theme from the Jon Pertwee era, the Robinson Crusio from the 1960s and Crown...
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Little Lady
Do you find this uncomfortable if you do this for more than a few seconds? I find i can only do this to collegues for a certain amount of time till i glance away then look again how odd. Though i can...
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My 28 mth old has always been a good sleeper, quiet as soon as you put him down, not stirring until 7am. All of a sudden he won't settle - trying every trick in the book to get us up. We have tried...
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my daughter is 5 months old and teething, has anybody found a magic soultion to help ease the process for her?
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My ex has recently moved about 100 miles away. We have a 12 year old son and he thinks that he should travel up on the train to see him. He says that to come and collect him in the car (every other...
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I have a five month old daughter that will not nap in the afternoon. I am so lucky, she sleeps 10-12 hours a night but only cat naps in the morning and refuses to sleep after 12:00 even though she is...

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