We take it to the vets next week to have its chip scanned and the details changed to my address. Then I'll be able to let it out into the garden. I admit I'm a bit apprehensive. I guess it's a... ...
I would like to lose some weight. In the past I have followed Atkins with some success, I have looked at Keto and believe Keto is the modern version of Atkins, but I struggle to understand it. Is it... ...
I was on Facebook, and there was a photo of a guy standing with his hand on his chest. He was holding a sign that read "I stand for them, because they stood for me". Someone commented saying that... ...
I'm 41, and the only time I've ever been an over-achiever is starting Menopause early!! HA Seriously though, I have heard horrible things about hot flashes...I thought it was just drinking that... ...
There have been questions in the past about this online store and the very low prices. For anyone interested there is a programme on Channel 4 tonight 8pm - The Truth about Temu. Might be worth a... ...
I recently cut off all the 'babies' on my spider plant and repotted three of each, into small pots. Within a few weeks they are outgrowing the pots, which admittedly are very small. They all... ...
This was last night... https://i.postimg.cc/zGHy7brG/20240526-144043.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/B673Rp59/20240526-143954.jpg And there more to come tomorrow and Tuesday. They are in Sicily...touring a... ...
A neighbours son constantly kicks ball up my fence and hits my windows,he's constantly coming in garden for ball,I've asked nicely many times to move further away so this doesn't happen but still... ...
Yes, I did today. Problem with an item . Phoned 0345 number to speak to the store about 2 miles away to ask a simple question and the call was answered by a female with American accent . (no help... ...
Contary to what many people think, sending kids to private school is not the sole preserve of the rich, and many people scrimp and save to be able to do so, so a 20% increase in their fees could... ...
Sword swallower??? A young woman just appeared on BGT....and she was AMAZING. But what she did was scary as hell. What leads to a person even trying it?
Why are most of the acts from other countries? And is it only me who cannot bear the "shocked" expressions of Amanda and Alesha? So so false. In fact cannot stand And and Dec either, what is... ...
...was attempting to cross the road with a guide dog, at a pedestrian crossing. The car in front of me was first at the crossing, stopped to let the girl cross. The guide dog took a couple of... ...