I am Libra, I know it's something to do with scales but what does that really mean? what are the characteristics? when people ask you what your sign is what can they tell from that? I think being a...
Right before anyone takes the mick outta me, this is to settle an argument at work. Theres a bag of sweets hanging on the answer so please help me out. We have been debating who the charlies angels...
i smack my son (not hit) on the rare occassion he wont listen and he's out of control............i believe this is an act of love................most people were smacked when younger and respect...
please don't judge me on this ABers. i'm a nice person really. my problem is i fancy this guy....but he has a girlfriend. although when ever he is with her he is always looking at me...and has also...
Whats the best word to describe you've heard to describe something? I've just heard one to describe bellies hanging over the top of trousers ? Muffin tops! And we've had big pants week, what others...
Hey, I'm going to get it done and was just wondering what the proper term for this piercing is? If you're still confused as to what I mean it's the piercing Mutya (ex-sugababe) has. Also, has anyone...
who else finds it really disgusting wen women who have just ad a baby wear short tops to show of there deep purple marks, dont get me wrong iv got vague stretch marks in some places but dont go round...
iv just been reading the ab suggestions wen ic ome across some people who thought that we were being to friendly on the ab although there is no abuse going on we are asking questions about eachother...
Hi me and my partner are getting married in september and we already live 2gether. my question is how do u write on the invitation that we would like money as gifts and not household gifts. my partner...
Hi all. We are due our first in a few weeks and was looking for a little advice re. sleeping arrangements. My wife is planning on breastfeeding. Would it be best to keep the baby in our room or...
I cannot stand her and her 'music' is completely nondescript but has anyone else noticed that the line...'i cant believe you kiss your car at night' in Shania Twains 'That Dont Impress Me Much' (SPOT...