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Can i take this oppertunity to wish you both a very very happy birthday! Have a fantastic day!!!!!!
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if you take a preganancy test when you're hungover would it still be accurate?
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i have about a 1in.ganglion on my ankle well in the crease of my ankle about an inch fron my ankle bone on the upper part and its about an inch in cercumfrance(sorry 4 bad spelling dr.said...
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I am planning to move to Reading (UK). Can anybody tell me - where are the 'nicer' bits of Reading and which are the ones to avoid? Thanks.
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I was away on Friday night and never even thought about setting a tape for the eviciton as I thought it would be someone boring like Suzie or one of the newbies that would go, so imagine my horror...
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does anybody know who's up for eviction ???
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Has anyone tried it?
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anyone got any good advice for getting a decent nights sleep in this weather - not that i am complaining !
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...What do you do that makes your life exciting? hobbies and interests etc? Its just i sometimes feel i live a pretty unexciting life doing the same things day in day out and would like to know what...
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My grandson is 3 and a half years old and in process of toilet training.No problems at all with going to toilet for a wee but cannot get him to do the other.He keeps saying "it won't come out "but he...
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Please help me, I have a really bad problem with cats. There are 5 of them to be precise, and they all meet in our garden (there are not strays). We have a 2yr old girl, who would love to play in the...
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I have that policewoman due here at ten to take a statement about last weeks events with ex and im dreading it!!
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xx cutie xx
would you find it insulting if your partners friends sent texts to him saying about having a nite out, no girls allowed?
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Ive been on the pill since i was 15 and im now 23. Ive always been regular but some medication interupted my cycle and caused me to come on my period half way through my pack of pills. So i stopped...
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In response to the growing problem of having sufficient water in our towns and cities...I propose that all citizens have short hair and all shampoo and conditioner commercials to be banned. If this...
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OOOWWW!!! I think I've got an eye infection - not my actual eye, but the skin around it - it is very red, inflamed and sore - also it feels hot and my eye has been watering all day! I don't know if it...
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I was clearing out my handbag today and I noticed jusy how much I had in there.In my handbag I have: purse pen note pad cigarettes lighter paracetemol mobile gloves( still in there from winter) packet...
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It's my birthday on Wednesday and i find that i am not in the slightest bit worried about getting 'older'. Does that mean i am not yet getting 'older'...? Or that i am deluded...? I have friends of a...
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any suggestions for 1) what baguette filling 2) what cake 3) what can of pop 4) what flavour crisps
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I am going to a wedding next satarday the 22nd and i want to look good! So i am thinking about changing my hairstyle. The only thing is im not sure what can be done with it, i mean its fairly short...

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