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R1Geezer New Mag for all the Islam apoligists?...
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http://www.theanswerb...Question911432-3.html I wasn't the one getting abusive. The fact is that the questioner took exception to my validly held opinion and resorted to insults. Read all of my...
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Can someone explain how kwik fit still exist? I cannot find anyone who goes there, I cannot find anyone who'd trust them to tighten a wheel nut, yet they survive. I can only assume there are a lot of...
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R1Geezer Is it time to look again at the whole way we deal with this pond life? Have we had enough of the liberal experiment? Time for incarceration for life? Any other suggestions?...
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R1Geezer It seems it's up to the ECHR, but we could end up with a total ban on religious artefacts in classrooms. Is this desirable? Enforceable? Personally I...
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R1Geezer 20000+ drunk ticketless scousers force their way into a football match and cause death, I'd say he's absolutely correct. Why are the Hillsborough...
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Out of Africa! You''ve gotta laugh haven't you, why are we so sh1te?
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Who are you supporting? I'd like to see a new team win so there are several to choose from but I've got a Psuedo Dutch mate so as a liberal myself I'm going with the Zany Dutch. Also I think Holland...
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http://www.authorsden...asp?catid=34&id=38180 Is Islam a disease slowly infecting the world?...
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Why are we so soft? Workshy scum like this should be banged up and have everything confiscated to pay for their treachery.
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How would he have handled the BP fiasco?
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So he's fired Gen McChrystal for daring to have an opinion. Is Obama surrounding himself with yes men? Look what happenned when Gerald Ratner tried that! "Wonderful speech sir they'll love...
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Ok pretty good mostly but Osborne said the only 2 things that are ring fenced are healh, fair enough and sm3gging foriegn aid! Perlease, how fair up sh1t creek do we need to get before we stop dolling...
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Is there an argument for abolishing altogether? The budget today is widely expected to reduce direct taxation so that more money in the pockets of the masses means that they have more to spend and...
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Here's my suggestion,0.jpg...
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Further to the question below, we know that teachers are effectively working when they go on school trips but, does anyone know if the teachers costs are added into what the pupils pay or do they get...
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R1Geezer Cameras for good or bad do assists crime so why must we make exceptions for the terrorist breeding heartlands? 200 to be covered in case they cause...
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presumably on the phone, how do either side know they are actually talking to each other? I mean It could be Rory Bremner! Do they have some sort of agreed code?
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Anyone know of a channel in the US that the TT is on? I have a mate stateside, thanks
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Anyone know of a channel in the US that the TT is on? I have a mate stateside, thanks

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