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With the bank rate being reduced to just 1.5% why does it cost the consumer so much more to take out a debt? Figues published by a comparison website: Loans: 8% Credit cards: 16% Mortgage: 5%
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Have had this "bug" for 4 weeks, no sneezing, more like bronchitis. Was coughing a lot but that has stopped now. Had 3 lots of antibiotics and feel embarrassed to go back to the doc,...
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last 2 nights i have woken my husband screaming my head off when i have been fast asleep. Never the less he has woken me up to check if im ok, last night i got so het up about it i had a panic attack....
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Atheists are starting an advertising campaign to alert the public to the fact that there may not be a god. My question is this. I am not a god botherer,...
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Ever since the birth of Christ there have been many wars, bigots who assume their religion is best, countless millions dying in the cause and lack of understanding on all sides. If true that Christ...
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Who's hiding the wind turbine blade, come own own up, give it back... /article2108149.ece
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Following on from the Atheism question below , it would appear that the Majority responding do not believe in what is generally reffered to as a ' god ' - although I notice that even Jake is prepared...
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Did we have as many stores close during the last recession? I can't actually recall any making big news like the current ones or have I just forgotten.
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anotheoldgit 0/Revolt-Robbed-right-buy-traditional-light-bu lbs-millions-clearing-shelves-supplies.html Why get rid of the standard light bulb until they have at...
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Hugh Spencer
Just about everybody is distressed concerning the civilian casualties in Gaza - that is, except the gunmen. They can have little concern otherwise they wouldn't create their HQ's or supply depots next...
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chas2008 082/Pakistani-woman-given-asylum-shes-7ft-2in- tall.html says it all.........
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anotheoldgit /Organs-we-donate-go-to-foreigners If one did not wish this to happen, then a way round this could be a clause on the donor card, stating that the organ...
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rov1200 .stm Has Blair helped to make the world a safer place and does he deserve this medal in the cause of freedom?
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The EU is now looking at regulating pesticides to such a degree the British carrot (amongst other things) will not survive. Prices will also be driven up. How can we continue to let this happen? We...
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anotheoldgit /Failed-asylum-seekers-who-are-too-violent-to- send-home What an excuse, we will never send any home if all they have to do is to throw a tantrum. One...
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anotheoldgit an/04/obama-gaza-israel Looks like the honeymoon period is over for Obama even before he unpacks his bags.
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anotheoldgit 0/Demonstrators-hurl-shoes-Downing-Street-day- global-protest-Israeli-attacks.html How long before the claims for for injuries to feet, caused by walking...
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Gordon Brown has called for an immediate ceasefire to halt the violence in Gaza. While his own troops are fighting and being killed and wounded in conditions reminise of World War One, he has the...
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I recently posted an answer to a question on Global Warming. I was told I was, "...extremely stupid and ignorant..." because I don't believe that Anthropogenic Global Warming (ie. man-made global...
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I see the rightful outrage at the actions of Israel in Gaza, but are we any better? Israel targets building it claims are harbouring Hamas operatives and members, killing innocent passers by. America...

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