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Did anyone notice last night on The Chase the women contestant wearing earings that looked like the Palestine flag ? 
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Mr.Sam has just been diagnosed as having a torn retina. He didn't seem to have had any symptoms and it was just a general eye exam that showed it up. On Tuesday he has an appointment with a... ...
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Does anyone who lives abroad, Spain particularly, use Nordvpn to watch British TV ?
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Anybody watching. I know I know, it's all a setup, competitors from all over the world etc. etc., but I find it mildly entertaining. But, that black girl in denim with the greasy untidy hair and... ...
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I think finally I shall have a knee replacement on one knee. Has anyone had it done ? Are you happy with the result ? I was told by my orthopedic surgeon to wait until it impedes on my quality of... ...
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I'm not. What's with this making the answer a question ? Anyone know when and if Tipping Point is coming back ?
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Did anyone watch Guns 'n' Roses last night ? Soo disappointed with Axel, I think he should retire. Slash was magnificent though.
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I find it it amazing this chap is making so many headlines. So what if he loses his job ? I have never seen his show, I have only seen him on some ads. But honestly, who cares really ? Or about his...
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Has anyone had their passport renewed lately ? We have a trip planned to Japan in Dec.,for 3 weeks, my passort runs out in Feb. when we would be back. Entering Japan is ok because they only require it...
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Anyone watched the new movie yet ? What did you think ?
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Finally getting around to watching it. I remember really enjoying Breaking Bad but it was years ago and cannot remember the end and what happened to Saul. We have watched 2 episodes and is looking...
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Has anyone bought one ? I have the one that came with the machine Cosori 5.5, but wonder if there is a good one out there.
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I have been harbouring a cold for a few weeks and was a little concerned it had turned into sinusitus. You may recall I had a "Radiofrequencia de los cornetes" done in 2018 +-. Horrible procedure....
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I am having a hell of a job finding an anti parasite for Tora, our beloved Bichon Maltese. The one that you are supposed to put on their backs every month. i tried yet another yesterday and poor thing...
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Who was voted out last night ? I missed it.
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I just don’t get why the judges keep fawning over Hamza. Bet he is preordained to win....
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I had been waiting for Black Friday and today ordered my Cosori Airyer Fryeer 5.5 litre. Can't wait ! Any tips for a beginner ?
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I see there are Airfryers that work remotely via Wifi, with an App. Has anyone got one of these ? I just wonder how many times I would want to start it remotely .
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Mainly we cook just for the two of us, although Mr.Sam is very happy to have leftovers the next day for lunch. At least once a week we have the family for dinner, which could be up to 10 ( not often...

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