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Does attending a wedding make you go all mushy and want to get married yourself? (unless you already are, in which case you know what I mean?!)
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I keep hearing this on the news but have no idea what it is. Anyone care to explain it to me?!...
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When I plug my phone into my PC the iCloud contacts only shows a few... probably the ones on my phone SIM, not the ones added since. How can I get all the contacts onto the iCloud? As usual, no help...
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Imagine if your town opened a posh hotel bar type place, which did live jazz music, DJs which played music from 60s/70s/ soundtracks/ experimental pop, old school discos etc, but which was dress up...
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It's very dirty..have tried in the past to apply carpet cleaner but it just left a pattern where the carpet cleaner was applied! I don't want to get a professional in just for a rug (it's about 6' x...
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Has there been a TV show which features a comedy story but which includes songs, rather like the Monkees, since the Monkees?! Not like a musical where they break into song, but where the story...
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Have you experienced this? When you first got together with someone special (maybe your OH) did you need to see them constantly, think about them all the time, put them on a pedestal? And if so, when...
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The house opposite me has new students in and they are having a BIG party. It's been earsplitting drum and bass for 5 hours now. What is an acceptable time to phone the (non-urgent) police and ask...
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Okay, I know it's not a charity... You know how utterly brilliant John Cleese is? And how much joy he has given to the world? And how much money his ex-wife has taken him for? He is currently having...
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My friend is suffering terribly from piles. Really awful pain. He needs to go to the doc but is trying to deal with the symptoms by avoiding caffeine. Are there any over the counter remedies which...
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I've had a letter re. housing which has put me in band B5. Nowhere in the letter does it explain this. The band reasons just says "No housing need". I don't understand what this is either! Any ideas?...
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I have an old Victorian house which has a single storey extension to the side, with a flat roof. Last winter (which was very wet) there was a leak in the kitchen adjoining it, and problems with damp...
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Am thinking of doing some performing in pubs, low-key acoustic stuff. Just wondered what songs you would most like to hear if sat in a pub? If anything?!
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So, I now have my new glasses. Problems: I can't see the ground when I walk/ when I look to my left everything is blurred. I have to keep my head in one position when on the PC. Distances still seem...
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Is there any way to choose a thumbnail for a YouTube film? The choices they give you are so rubbish, blurry and irrelevant! I would like to choose my own still from my video but can't work out how to...
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I just typed a www. address into a Word document and when I pressed enter, rather than making it into a hyperlink, it vanished!! My friend was using my PC to make a website earlier and I wonder if she...
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Why is it that when friends hook up with a new boyfriend/girlfriend they drop everything and make that person the centre of their universe? Just because that person has sex with them, they become...
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I've invented something which I want to build so that I can test it out. Thing is, I have no idea how. If it was available in the shops it would be made of plastic or metal. How do inventors (on...
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I have had the cheapest half and half memory foam mattress I can find for the past few years, replacing them once every 2-3 years. I have slipped discs and know that memory foam suits me well. Trouble...
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If you were single and looking, what would be the ideal man or woman you have in your head? I have a friend who only ever goes out with the same girl- blonde, round face and sweetly pretty. I guess to...

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