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I know this will sound a bit 'pathetic' and possibly vain (I can assure you I'm not), but it's been worrying me. Everytime I wash my hair or even brush my hair, there seems to be a load that comes...
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My daughter has suffered with constipation since she was about 2. She was given Lactulose for a while but this seemed to bloat her tummy and she'd often have tummy ache. About a year later she started...
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The top of my screen on Firefox has vanished so the web page takes up the whole screen! I clicked something by accident. Any idea how I can get it back to normal?!
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Does anyone else chew their tongue while falling asleep? Its not a conscious effort on my part. I don't do it so it bleeds. It started 4 or 5 years ago, I'm not on any medication that can cause this...
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Does everyone dump their best friend when they get a new love interest? Is it a hormonal thing that you can't stop, this new person taking over your whole world, and everyone else being made...
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My friend gets shakiness every now and again. Is this linked with vitamin deficiency or low blood sugar? He may have it for a day on and off and then it goes away. What causes shakes?! (He doesn't...
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If you were in a pub and the band played a Beatles song, which one would you most like to hear? This may be moved to music but it's more of an emotional response I was after- something jolly and...
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Much as I'm not a usual vitamin taker, save for folic acid when on methotrexate and vitamin D for a deficiency - towards the end of the course of them now though, I have been put on a cow's milk free...
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You decide you want to lose weight, you take the step to stop eating unhealthy food and to exercise more. Job done. Sounds simplistic but isn't this really the only way to lose weight? The biggest...
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And eat far to much of it I would like to give it up completely To help me lose some weight, but what can I replace it with?...
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How long should a hip and/or knee replacement last these days? I know in the past there was a sort-of time limit after which it would have to be done again; does that still apply? I've been advised...
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their feet, that can shed light before i see the podiatrist. for what seems like an eternity, near a year i have had the following, pain on the top of the foot, and electric shock type pain...
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Imagine if your town opened a posh hotel bar type place, which did live jazz music, DJs which played music from 60s/70s/ soundtracks/ experimental pop, old school discos etc, but which was dress up...
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I guess the memories of being bullied as a kid never leave. when I was 11/12 there was a girl in the 5th form that lived not far from us and for some reason she started calling me names in school if...
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Have you experienced this? When you first got together with someone special (maybe your OH) did you need to see them constantly, think about them all the time, put them on a pedestal? And if so, when...
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The house opposite me has new students in and they are having a BIG party. It's been earsplitting drum and bass for 5 hours now. What is an acceptable time to phone the (non-urgent) police and ask...
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I'm trying to get some interest in an office choir at work. Since the office team mostly consists of 40-something male parks officers, tree surgeons and landscape architects this isn't going to be...
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I've been put on a new diet by a hospital dietician to try and help a bowel problems. It's effectively no lactose (most dairy), no wheat (inc barley and rye), restricted fruit and veg and nothing with...
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Okay, I know it's not a charity... You know how utterly brilliant John Cleese is? And how much joy he has given to the world? And how much money his ex-wife has taken him for? He is currently having...
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My friend is suffering terribly from piles. Really awful pain. He needs to go to the doc but is trying to deal with the symptoms by avoiding caffeine. Are there any over the counter remedies which...

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