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I’m asthmatic but haven’t had an attack for years, just wheezy when I feel rough. Usual peak flow reading for me is 280(no idea if that’s good or bad). Last 3 days I’ve really struggled...
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They say they now believe she has fallen into the river. They do not know why, or what happened but believe it was a tragic accident. She was seen just 10 mins before her phone was found on the bench,...
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I was listening to this on Heart radio and they asked listeners to ring in with their answers - some were hilarious. But the last one I heard was a woman who called in and said it was the day of her...
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Am sure I’ve done this before, but I have the memory of a brick!! Soooooo I’ll start ! You can name just one, or as many as you want. 1. Me - I have zero sense of smell! I used to have , till I broke...
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After my accident last Feb where I fell and fractured my spine, I was diagnosed with tendinopathy a few months later, due to terrible pain in both hips, and in the left leg especially, from the...
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When you go to get your bank card out of your phone case(where it’s always stored) and it’s gone. Tip house upside down trying to find it, incase it’s fallen out….. look for 2 days then admit defeat....
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I have been on 150 Mg per day for a long time re underactive thyroid. I had blood tests just to check levels etc about 10 days ago. Today I’ve had a message saying I’m now taking too much and to...
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They got me a doctors appointment for 3.10pm today. Turned up, doctor took one look at my throat and said ‘Dear god!’. You’ve got severe tonsillitis, and the glands in your throat are severely...
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Don’t know whether it’s anything to do with my sore tongue(rubbing on chipped tooth) but my throat is raw - I can barely eat anything, am just drinking milk/soup. It’s been like this for days now and...
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A couple of days ago I chipped a bottom right back tooth(I can’t even see it!) but, my tongue rubs against it every time I talk, drink, you name it, to the point that I now have a raw wound on the...
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Ok, I am soooo far behind this year what with accidents, sickness etc (I just need a good vet I think!). Soooooo what do you lovely lot usually buy? A frozen Turkey well in advance so you’re prepared,...
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I tried my best this past weekend to persuade MrSmow to agree to us going to buy our Xmas tree & put it up. (We always have a real tree). He refused point blank, albeit in a teasing way, as it was not...
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My son has received his laptop from CEX this morning (a refurbished one) but cannot get it set up. He cannot get the screen to move past this message and he’s pulling his hair out! You cannot get thru...
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The main one is being a dentist! I just cannot fathom why anyone would want to spend all day looking into peoples mouths, fiddling with their often manky teeth, bad breath……(apart from the money).just...
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My middle son needs a laptop but cannot afford one at the moment, not even a second hand one. I’ve got a laptop that I’ve barely used, as I always use my iPad. Sooooo my plan is to offer him my...
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My good friends 15 yr old son, who is a fantastic kid, went into town after school to buy some new trainers that he’d been saving up for. He was with 2 friends. He got the trainers, then was standing...
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In February this year after a medical situation I was told to not drive for 6 months, whilst tests were done, so I voluntarily surrendered my license to DVLA. in those 6 months I’ve had MRI’s etc and...
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It’s been a sore point in this house all week. MrSmow and I don’t have any children together, but I have 4 - I had 4 when we met. They are all adults now. I buy them all Xmas presents every year, but...
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I was talking to a couple of friends this week about Xmas. One said that she looks at charity shops/EBay etc throughout the year and if she sees something that is almost new/ hardly used but she likes...
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Her sister had her birthday party 2 weeks ago-a great night. Then 2 days later she fell Ill with pneumonia. Taken to hospital. Contracted covid. Got worse and worse. They switched her life support off...

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