i was pleased (if that is the right word to use) to see so many postings over the weekend on the subject of depression. after a considerable nightmare year i only yesterday revealed to myself and...
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset...
I was all prepared to do the Gina Forde routine until I went to my NCT class last night where demand feeding was touted as best. I have a history of anxiety (which is much better now but relies on me...
I have just returned from my sons first ever parents evening. He is in nursery 3 afternoons a week. We waited in the corridore outside the class room - good - confidentiality is important. However, I...
What song totally sums you up as a person? For me, lyrically i'd have to go for Tracks of my tears by Smokey Robinson, Or Easy by The Commodores, because I am.
i have a painful secret from my childhood which has caused me lots of mental health problems since (I am now 21). When I get close to someone I always feel the need to tell the person so they can see...
My husband has OCD. Ours was an arrange marriage, and after the marriage i realised that things were amiss, i could not completely understand them, so it took me a long time (1and a half years) to...
Anyone have any ideas (I've used all mine up) to get my 6 year old to get the whole morning routine completed in time for school. Once again it has become a nightmare! I have tried star...
my fiance is getting his tonsils out in a couple of weeks, he is 26 and i heard that the opperation can be dangerouse for adults, i also heard that there could be a long recovery period. I am...
Does anyone know the best thing to treat smelly shoes? I have not had my trainers long but already they are beginning to smell despite spraying them regularly. Is talcum powder a good option?
Kids programme 30 years ago? There was a boy ill in bed who drew a wierd picture and would go into the picture. Does anyone remember from this description? thank-you
I am at a total loss of Bushes inability to deal with this type of disaster that was expected in this part of there country. They had warning, they have had hundreds of years of hurricanes and still...