I tried to explain this question I have to MrSmow but he looked at me as tho I was mad and so I gave up lol! My question, which I've pondered about for ages and ages is this : if somebody is born... ...
If you were expecting an email and absolutely dreading it, how long would you put off looking in your inbox? What displacement activities - another cup of coffee, rearranging your sock drawer,... ...
The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then... ...
?f?e?t?a?...thought it maybe effective? but dosn't match up with 18A clue Old Americanfriends who first made amends for the state of the nation= . Founding fathers! Any thoughts. Thanks in... ...
what everyone been up to today, as there been no activity on chatterbank,you either been busy or asleep!! i have a week off, been cleaning the house and been down the pub, have a happy evening.
I had my own accountancy practice until the middle of 2022, when I retired. I had the company struck off in January 2023. Over the years in practice, I built up client files containing Statutory... ...
So the black woman gets selected to win the dosh....Fails so they select another contestant. So determined are they that the black woman wins they select her again! Well they couldn't select her... ...