stuck on quite a few 1. a bookmaker who also arranges a tour around hungarian capital 3. a horse found in a new role 8. a spy from eastern state 14. bromium about a small amount 16. cold oats mixed... ...
56a at your convenience, the powder room for guy fawkes and other guys(5)???t? 57d old roman currency given.. as a gift youll understand(6)t?l??? 15d before god many swear of another prime mover up... ...
After changing the old broken blade for a new one, it seems that no electricity is getting through. Done all the obvious stuff but to no avail, any ideas? TIA.
Be careful who you help out for sure this time year.!!! I’ll NEVER help Anyone like this again. Nope won’t do this mistake Twice.!!! Either we're too kindhearted, too stupid, or too gullible!... ...
Well it's the start of another week. my final training week and exam but two assignments to be completed by second week in January!! was hoping to be able to have a relaxing Christmas! I hope that... ...
A bit of lighthearted fun. How many of these personal developments do you actually remember learning ? Learning to :- 1. Walk 2. Talk 3. Count 4. The alphabet 5. Read 6. Tie shoelaces 7. Tell the time 8.... ...
Stephen Fry is recovering after falling from a stage onto concrete breaking his leg and pelvis. Ouch - very negligent if the venue to leave him with that... ...
The gale here has blown my satellite dish down and it's hanging by its cable bashing in to my bedroom window. I'm worried it's going to break it. Is it safe to just cut the cable? I've put this in... ...
I am trying to play Blossom using your link What is meant to happen when you enter a word. I just get a score of 0 and empty flower pots!! Thank you in advance x
Was on the ferry last night and tried to get the lift down to the car deck as I find stairs difficult. after waiting ages one finally turned up but when it turned up it was full of elderly people... ...
I've more or less finished the grid and the unclued shenanigans, but one clue is being stubborn. Posted a letter to former archbishop (7) I have ?E?TAM? ...
... the Tories are going to eliminate the NHS and close all hospitals to save money. After all people are obviously going to die, we can't save everyone. There's no point in moaning about it, it is... ...
I have 4 questions and 4 answers left, that I can't match up. Please can you help me match question and answer?That's assuming all the other answers are correct of course! Questions:4)A major... ...