Fridays! Don't they come around quickly these days? It seems like only last week that I was composing the Shrubbery Opening blurb, and here it is again already! Our guest setter, Mr E caught many of...
Good morning everyone.I trust all are well and fighting fit today and ready for a new month's contest. Now having no idea whether or not the crossword was available at midnight the time of posting...
Good Morning Guessers. Some of you may have been expecting Bridgenut today, but he is going to be unavailable for much of the month and has therefore abdicated his crown. Crofter too is going to be...
It is Friday once again and as you see, the Shrubbery is under new management for the month of March. As Rabbie once said "The best-laid plans o' mice an' men. Gang aft a-gley". Firstly, crofter is...
The theme adopted by Queen Dustybun in this her fourth and final week in her short reign came as a surprise to me , but nevertheless a welcome surprise. Based on the theme It's a Wonderful Life, her...
It's the final "Good Morning" to all AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty. However, life is full of beginnings and on this first Saturday in Lent (and I have not yet recovered from eating too many pancakes) my...
Good morning everyone and welcome to the last week of the current contest. I'm running a bit behind time so perhaps we'll make it short and sweet - shortly either the night owl or the early riser will...
Welcome to the fourth and final week of our setter, Queen Dustybun. By now, we know where her "buns" came from and how they got "dusty"! Last week, there were problems with AnswerBank at the critical...
A Spring-like "Good Morning" to all AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty. This is now the third week of my reign and I am quite pleased with how things are progressing and quietly confident that things will...
Yes, it's week three already, flying through another month and the hot-cross buns are in the shops already - not good !!!! Now this will be short, for a change, as I'm slotting things all around...
Welcome to the third week of our accomplished setter, Queen Dustybun. For me personally, by far the most important event that has occurred this week is that I have become a Granddad for the first...
A heart-felt "Good Morning" AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty. This is the second week of my reign and, as chance would have it, we land on a notable date that would be difficult to ignore. My immediate...
Good morning everyone - and how are all the walking [?] wounded this morning ?? I gather some sprained ankles have been added to ongoing saga of Strix and his leg !!! Sounds a bit like Richard in The...
Welcome to the second week of our new setter, Queen Dustybun. The first week followed an accepted pattern of few points scored overall, in spite of most of the links being spotted within reasonable...
Good morning everyone - I trust we're all well today and not suffering too much from frostbite. I think the site might be a trifle 'frozen' - it needed all sorts of skullduggery to access Q&A so I'll...
Good Morning AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty the Pretender! This is the first week of my reign and the first time (ever) that someone has acceded to the throne of Link-land with only four points to their...
Second time around and I'm not even going to mention my disappointment when no parcels of snow arrived in my mail box ? no heat for you, you stingy lot !! So this time, I'm taking the sensible route...
Welcome to this very first week of our new setter, Queen Dustybun. Her name reminds me of the famous quote from Marie Antoinette to the peasants of Paris: "Let them eat cake". Perhaps she should have...
Good morning everyone - I trust you're all well and that not too many are snowed in after last night's [in places] spectacular efforts, complete so I gather, with sound effects !! Nothing spectacular...
This was the fifth and final week in the reign of Queen Meg [from now on aka Speedy Gonzales]. I too can confess to trying to outrun a train ~ and I am sure there will be others reading this! For this...