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saddam t-shirts - a bit tight around the neck -- but they hang well. !!!
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Has it been good or bad for you ? If you could change one thing that has happened to you, or to someone else, or to the world this year......for better or worse, what would it be ?
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Hey ho everyone!! I haven't been on for a while - but I'm back!!! Can anyone fill me in on whats been happening - name changes, arguments, russians etc so I can join in the festive fun! Cheers A xXx
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Should i... stay in, by myself and watch a film seeing in the new year alone or ... go to a friends and have a giggle watch a film and see in the new year not alone.. can't decide...
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....won't be able to make your New Year's Eve party tonight. He's still feeling a bit ropey. (Sorry, I don't intend to offend anyone!)
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So what is everyone up to tonight? I'm staying in on my own, just don't feel like going out but quite happy to do so and could do with saving my pennies :) Will probably get the drinks out and watch a...
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Should i let my boyfriend tie me up for sex? Deb
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Hi, my ex has just phoned to ask if he can keep the kids tonight....he has had them since yesterday morning and took them to a [his] family party last night. I asked him if this was because they would...
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as some people are offended by some of the questions and answere in AB, could there be a indicator or something on the question, that says some users maybe be offended,
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hair and eyes do you have? Also is your hair straight or curly? Just trying to form a picture of everyone.
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....of a comb-over? Who do they think they are fooling? Bald is beautiful - why not just go with it?
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I'm talking body hair here. Do you prefer your men like a caveman or with a chest devoid of all hair?
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I sent a message to someone last night when very drunk and wanted to see what I had sent but there is nothing at all in my sent items... nothing in all the time I've used hotmail..... why can't people...
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what have you in store for '2007' marriage, divorce, kids, holiday have you anything to look forward to?
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Something a partner or ex partner does or someone you have had a crush on. Or something else?
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I'm bored so I'm being nosy! I'll start it off, I'm from Taunton but am currently in Oxford sitting in my parent's front room being annoyed by Dale Winton on the telly. What about you??
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Who believes in angels, and if you do, what has happened to make you believe?
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Do you think it's fair that a man should be convicted of rape if the woman is too drunk to consent? What is too drunk anyway, I've known plenty of people who've had a bit too much and behaved out of...
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I think having pets and the pets you have can say a lot about people. What pets do you have (have you had), what are their names and nicknames and what is their affect on your life? Any funny/silly...
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Do you think it was right for Saddam Hussain to be hanged? Or should he have been imprisoned for life?

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