Sadam was evil and Mad, so what are we to make of the Governments who gladly did business with him when it suited them... Margaret Thatcher George Bush John Major George W. Bush Blood on thier hands...
Is it the amount you drink or how often you drink? I think my husband drinks way too much for his health (and his pocket). Whenever I mention it, apparently I'm nagging, and he just won't accept that...
Hello, just thought i'd be good to find about a bit more about people so... 1. Are you male or female. 2. How old are you (approx if you're shy). 3. What do you do? 4. Are you married/single/in a...
The question came to me whilst reading 'what would religionists like to ask athiests' and I am quite interested to hear your opinions. To begin with, there is obviously no concrete proof for or...
It would appear that there are a lot of religious people on AB who answer questions from us atheists/agnostics so it is only fair to return the compliment and give us a chance to answer your questions...
why do religious people celebrate a pagan festival like christmas and then complain that "christ has been taken out of christmas"? For goodness sakes, christ was never in christmas to begin with.It's...
Do we NEED holy books to teach us morality, or is it inbuilt ? If you need the Quran or the Bible to tell you what is right or wrong, is there not something wrong with your would...
Im in the right category for this i know- my soul feels cleansed but my body is still craving for a ciggarette- ( sometimes during the day ) i gave up a week ago today and i feel dead chuffed cos im...
Fred went to his doctor complaining of severe headaches. The doctor examined him and announced: "You have a very rare condition in which your testicles are pressing against the base of your spine, and...
Come on get it out, maybe one of us can help or at least we can give some help and support. Maybe it'll be a relief to share it and realise you're not alone :) xxx
Is religion the main reason behind all major war, act of terrorism, satanic cult, ritualistic murders and rape? Maybe religion should be banned? After all what good does it do other than provoke...
Just curious as I drink equivalent to 2 bottles of wine and a couple of shots.... or sometimes 6-8 pints of Guinness and a couple of shots.... and I know thats not good.