The tune they used to play when showing the gallery? It is currently being used on a tv ad. but I don't recall which.. Anyone know the name of this tune please?
To extend the lifetime of a30 day shareware app. I plan to create R.P. install app. uninstall after use and rollback. Do you think this will be successful? Most likely, or merely maybe?
Aztecs, Double Deckers, Starbars, Treets, Everlasting Strips, Spangles and Five Boys chocolate? can you remember any other deleted sweets? (Opal Fruits and Marathon don't count).
I used to like Nescaf? coffee well enough. Nowadays I think it tastes pukey and can barely drink it. [ prefer Carte Noir]. Do you think Nescaf? have downgraded their product or is it just me?
Why Do accents, mostly, disappear when people sing? Bob Geldof, Lulu, U2, Tom Jones. etcs. And mostly I'm wondering if this ties in with the stammering 'Pop Idol' who, barely able to speak, could...
Something like hudie hudjie judea hudia was featured on Richard&Judy show a natural appetite supressant from African desert.. Info and Spelling please.
With the Klez virus, merely opening a message, and not the attachment, or viewing the message in a preview pane with Outlook or Outlook Express enables the virus to infect your system. see this site;...
Seems we can't talk about gender of pets due to AB's primitive expleteve deleter. What other innocent words should be flagged on that list for context? Is B*m allowed? * indicates a 'u'? What about...