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(well, it amused my bouche anyway.....) Sunday Times: "An Australian restaurant has been ordered to pay compensation to a blind man who was refused entry because a waiter thought his dog was gay....
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Just been on lappy whilst mine desktop boots up and I see different avatars for No Mercy, chucj and bobjugs. Why am I seeing a piccy of them ???...
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ANIMATION FILMS son of zeus (8) vulpes, vulpes is wonderful (9,2,3) BEFORE 1980 FILM the bands final gig (3,4,5) AFTER 1980 transportation (6,6,3,11)...
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We were at a funeral of a family friend who had died at 37yrs old, leaving a wife & 2 boys one 5 and the other 8. My nephew Robert was there also being a 6ft 3" fireman, The 5year old was...
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COD you make a sentence with a fish name
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C'mon guys ... let's see if we can cheer up mccfluff. Anteater goes into a bar. Barman says ... "Why the long face?"...
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There was a programme on BBC2 about it last night where it showed an American couple who were giving their son all sorts of drugs to calm him down, anybody could say "I would never give my kid...
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Well have decided well ahead of my BIG party in a few months time - I am not going to take my friends out - I will have a drink and food in my home. However I am going to make up party bags for them...
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do we stroke dogs and cats? Do they really enjoy it? Or, do they just put up with it?
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Is it egotiscical to name your children after yourself. I know a chap called ""Harry" His son is "Harry Junior" His grandson is " Baby Harry" Is that silly or what....
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I had a load of missed calls on my phone from one number, so I typed Sorry I missed your balls. I'm glad I changed it before sending! What others are there? There's the famous one Are you good in bed?...
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my wife is crazy, she was making food this morning , im in next door meanwhile she leaves it on cooker without notifying me, it burns , she screams and yells abuse at me holding our baby in her...
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Listen Here: I reckon Darling will suggest we put it all on Black and take our chance. Any thoughts? All the best, Spare Ed...
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... as a celebrity - who would they be. I am lucky to be able to say my BF is a bit of a Colin Firth . How about yours? Ummmm - be nice !!!!!...
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such as valkyrie - why do they all speak us or uk accents? fair enough not shooting in german language, but they could have at least kept in the real life 'feel' of germany by using german accents......
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I have a bottle of Black Tower wine and there is a picture of a bottle on the label at the back of it with a 4 inside, could anybody tell me what the 4 refers to, and what temperature it should be...
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It's a british film, really odd! I think it's set in the future and I remember a scene where he is sat at a restaurant and there are bombs going off? I really can't remember the plot I'm afraid and I...
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Went to the local Co-op.......went to checkout and gave the nice man my money. I'm standing there as he apparently wrestles with a bag of change. Him: Sorry about this, either I'm getting weaker or...
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I don't have a good relationship with my mother-in-law and after many months of counselling last year, decided I just wouldn't bother with her anymore - she's a nasty, spiteful, selfish bit of work. I...
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do something like this when you get to the spices in your local supermarket or there'll be trouble......

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