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Honi Sois Qui Mal Y Pense, ( seems worn out!) How about a new motto for our glorious country? The best will receive a pair of cyber tweezers behind the telly! Put your patriotic thinking caps on!...
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I do so hope the stupid panic buying will not commence, again. I only buy on a weekly basis what we need. Main items are wine and cat food, I can buy the rest locally but more expensive....
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Mostly young men in work clothes. Hard to imagine what their supposed exemption excuse is. Maybe it's time for fines to be imposed unless there is a provable reason....
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So far I’ve cleaned bathroom, hoovered all of upstairs, hoovered the stairs, cleaned the Venetian blind in lounge, done 2 loads of washing and have just sprayed oven cleaner into oven(obviously lol!)...
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Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?
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My car is booked for service on 10th November..are garages closing during lockdown?...
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allenlondon Perhaps Answerbankers think people would swallow their pride and queue up outside Food banks...
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It's just been announced that Prince William had covid at the same time as Prince Charles. With a 94 year old queen that could easily have put us in the position where Prince George would suddenly be...
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7 middle paint layer (9) 10 bob races to the incident(6) 19 famous duke before teal(11) 27 sounds like it could be a toffee(9) Thanks for any help...
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Kim Jong Un decided to send Donald Trump a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game. Trump opened the letter which appeared to contain a single line coded message...
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When I was young I remember my mother washing the clothes in the sink, then putting them through the mangle to get the excess water out. Later on she would iron them with an electric iron which was...
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Hello! We’re moving to a house with a smallish garden and I’d really like to grow some veg and some flowers. However the move has been put back quite a bit and my plans for bulbs etc won’t work so...
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Just wondering. Anyone know the first UK company to start using the term?
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...the mountaineers daughter, but she had a fine Pyrenees.
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can someone advise if they have taken this medicine for pain relief, if it was helpful. I have been prescribed it and will see how it goes, but am cautious as to it's efficiency. does it interact with...
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Several people including two children and possibly a baby have died attempting to cross the channel from France to the UK. The question is why, when these people are already in Europe and safe, are...
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Treated like a “spare” A spare that went to a private school, had private nannies, ski ing hols etc etc
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This scam is circulating again (still?). Over the last day or two, I have received a couple of calls claiming to be from BT Openreach (all the people I spoke to sounded south Asian). Both suggested my...
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ToraToraTora OK OK so BAME people are more susceptible, how is that racist? Men are more susceptible to gout but that's ain't sexist is it? Is it just possible that...
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Not really sure which category this fits in to but have put it here. Does anybody know where I can find a map which combines UK counties and postcode prefixes? I've searched online but can not find...

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