Hi My son got caught speeding with a lazer gun in September 2008 in a hired car (he didn't have his own insurance at this point). He did not hear from the police about this 'stop' until March 2009,...
Dear All. I wondered if anyone had any suggestions regarding travel insurance and skiing. Is there such thing as specialist ski insurance? I would prefer to pay less for my travel insurance - although...
When I renewed my insurance policy, I specifically asked the question "am I able to drive other vehicles?" I explained that I would need this on my policy, as I have access to several...
I unwittingly became joint policy holder when my ex added wedding band and engagement ring ((£17,000) to his insurance. I did not know until claiming for their loss. All documentation was...
I live in a block of two flats where I am the Freeholder of the building. The other flat pays me a peppercorn rent of ?25.00 per year. This means that I am responsible for getting the buildings...
I purchased a car about 2 years ago on finance and with it I had to purchase GAP insurance. Primarily, my husband drove it but because it was working out too expensive for him to use it for work, we...
My son, has been summoned to a Magistrates Court for driving without insurance. The offence, as detailed on the summons, occurred on a Saturday, at 11:40am. When he was stopped, it was actually...
Hello, A colleague scraped her car along the side of my car carpark. She has admitted fault and given me her insurance details. I informed my insurance company who said they would organise a garage to...
I bought a new car last saturday, and called the insurance people before I picked it up to change the insurance over. Because I lie in a flood-affected bit of sheffield, I've not had any post for a...
Can anyone tell me where i stand with the problem i have with my car insurance? I am a fully comprehensive business policy holder for my car. The car is less than 10 years old, it was regist'ered in...
I have been given a voucher for a mini cruise with DFDS from a travel agent. The travel agent wants us to pay for port taxes and insurance - the two night cruise is free. I told him that I...
After Mr. O'Toole's barn burned down, he called the insurance agent to file a claim. He told the insurance man, "We had that barn insured for fifty thousand quid, and we need that money immediately!"...
I wonder if there is anyone out there that has had this situation happen to them, and how they resolved it. A few weeks ago we received an e-mail from our car insurers to say that a claim had been...
Hi ,brother in law booked a four day holiday to the Canaries a few months ago to go next week. He has Leukemia , and declared everything to the travel insurance company, and after giving him his...
My son is having his insurance cancelled by his insurance company on the 31st of this month due to him not driving safely enough according to his telematics box. My question is, if he cancels his...
Airman Jones was assigned to the induction center, where he advised new recruits about their government benefits, especially their GI insurance. It wasn't long before Captain Smith noticed that Airman...
My husband paid an annual insurance for his motorbike last year in October. He has now traded this bike in and purchased another. The insurance company are saying that he cannot transfer the insurance...
A couple of times a year we visit our daughter in London. From there we hire a car to visit our Granddaughter in Oxford. Our daughter has bought a car and has said she'll put me on her insurance to...
A friend of mine is a self employed taxi driver. In November 2014 his insurance was due for renewal and he insured his car through Aviva. The two things he insisted on was gap insurance and a courtesy...
My elderly neighbours have been quoted a premium for their home insurance this year nearly double what it cost them last year. The insurance company says that they have to do this due to many claims...