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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Happy new year to you all.
I wish you good health and happiness.
Not many fireworks here.
Hope you soon feel better Robinia .
I like the levitating light bulb .I'm going to levitate up the stairs.
Night all.
Happy New Year. Obviously been far advanced than you lot, we saw in the New Year at our midnight. Stuffed 12 grapes (seedless thank heaven) into my gob and gulped a glass of cava. Took about 10 mins then to clear my mouth. Ridiculous custom! Then we shot to bed. Don't normally wait up but hija was here.
She's off at 2pm for a big fiesta so won't see here until mañana if then!
apparently jno jnr and friend watched the fireworks last night from their balcony - they're some way up the river but on the 12th floor or so, so plenty of the display was visible - and he then proposed to her and was accepted.

I suppose all I can do is cross my fingers. Triumph of hope over experience and all that. She seems a lovely person, but I've thought that before.
Wishing you faith rewarded and hope vindicated Jno. Happy New Year to you all. I wish you a healthy and happy New Year and as much calm or excitement as you wish yourselves. We are zonked here. Stayed up till two to get the dogs through the fireworks and let them have a good run around the garden afterwards.
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Hello all
Oh how romantic. I do hope everything goes well for them Jno.
Dull day here and chilly.I watched the new years concert which was very good, otherwise all quiet here for now.
My brother gets his eye done tomorrow. I thought it was later this month.
very best wishes for your bro Shaney
Congratulations to jno jnr and his friend!
Good luck to your bro Shaney, be nice when it is all over and some with.
Quiet day here. Mr N is connecting something weird and wonderful in my new kitchen
What a nice day. Hija still partying and Mr N at work so had house to myself. I would normally have taken the decs down but hija ia still here so I'll wait til shes gone on Thurs night.
What are you all doing?
How Robi is getting better!
what a busy bee am I. I had a full 8-hour drug-assisted sleep (after having only two hours yesterday) so now I have booked an eye test, booked an MOT (for the car, not me), booked a damp inspection (the house, not me), ordered a pile of repeat prescriptions, thrown away a cubic acre of rubbish, and am almost ready to greet the New Year.
better late than never Jno. Saw Sis off today and am struggling with sinusitis so quiet day here.
Hija gone now. I took most of decs down today as I was bored. Just left big tree, snow village and creche.
Very cold going to airport and back, but am all cosy at home now.
Hope Robi is ok.
And shaney's bro?
cold here. I had headache and faceache at lunchtime and was shivering so I had half a mug of hot mulled wine....medicinal as heck, it took away ALL the pain.
Oh woofy I should try that but cannot abide mulled wine.
Hija only went partying again in Barcelona.
Ive been busy washing the beds and bathroom and clothes and druing all in drive as cloudy
Tree undecorated and waiting for Mr N to stuff into its box! Alpine village gone and stowed under bed. House looks empty!
Shaney how is your bro??
Question Author
He's fine Neti ,thank you.He drove round here this morning.
They put a couple of stitches in which dissolve and gave him some drops to put in and he'll get the result in a couple of weeks time when he goes to see the consultant.
He said it wasn't too bad although seeing the scalpel coming towards his eye was a bit strange even though he could feel nothing,so fingers crossed it's not malignant.
Dull and cold here.Nothing much doing .I'm having a rest! I'll take the decorations down tomorrow.
Hope you're all ok and if you're not, feel better soon.
He drove??? So must be ok seeing why at least.
I felt very sad tsling the tree down but am glad its all gone now. Bunged into those nog zippered check bags and thrown into his storeroom! He'll go mad when he sees!!
I apologise most sincerely for this strange language that I type! No idea!!
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Morning all
Another cold dull day.
Yes ,he's alright to drive Neti.They only took a tiny sliver for analysis.
We've just received a parcel of those meals they do for old dodderers.Mr S ordered them thinking he was being helpful as I have these mobility problems. He didn't tell me he'd ordered them and they look revolting,all mushy stuff! He means well but I don't fancy any of it so he can eat them:) I'm still capable of cooking a meal even if it does take me a bit longer.
Hope you're all ok,keep warm.

Haha oh shaney they do look disgusting those meals. Maybe good for jno and me with our teeth ( or lack of)!!
it has got a bit nippier here, hasn't it. Specsavers lass thinks my left eye's got a bit weaker but doesn't know why so she's sending me on to hospital to be checked out. Nothing serious but I hate being puffed in the eyeball by those testing machines. (Seeing a scalpel coming at me would scare me to death.) Glad to hear no big problems except mushy food, shaney.
Shaney I use waitrose and marks shove in oven or prick and ping. Nice and easy and better i think than the ones designed for biddydom.

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