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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Oh dear am getting confused. I'll swear I had written something
Anyway Mousey had now crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I am devastated
Cant stop crying and will so miss her tonight as she slept on my legs
so sorry Neti. Its the last kind thing we do for our beloved pets but its always hard.
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Sorry about Mousey Neti.She had a good life with you.It's a hard to have to do but it's the kindest thing to do xx
Evening. Thanks for condolences. It is very much much harder than I expected and I feel so guilty. I keep bursting into tears but no doubt that will fade soon. Had to tell hija today, that was hard. All the things I did out of habit like changing her litter box and water and leaving food at night and her blanket and to leave certain doors open for her. I miss hearing her padding into my room in the early hours. Oh forgive me going on and on.
Very cold here at the moment. Log fire tomorrow. We had an Indian takeaway tonight. Couldn't eat yesterday.
I will organise the study now as that's where the big litter tray used to be but I can change it round and utilise the space. Will be able to set up sewing machine now.
Dogs decided it was national kip eat kip day today so that's what we did. Hope everyone is feeling ok and in one piece and hope you are feeling better today Neti.
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Hello all
Dull breezy day.
I hope you feel better today Neti.You musn't feel guilty.It's a kind thing to do as animals can't tell us how they feel.I've taken three dogs to the vets,two of my own and one for my Mum.You'll come to realise you did the right thing.
Nothing doing here .I hope you're all ok.
Hello all. Yes not so weepy today but find myself talking to her when i enter the front room where she is normally. I check on her grave a couple of times, no idea why. I still leave a space for her on the settee. But getting better.
We ate in a Wok pad Thai in Playa den Bossa today for a change of scenery. Very nice but not cheap. It's freezing here so Mr N chopped up loads of wood and we have had a lot fire all afternoon . Very cosy. Very sunny though and I got one set of bedding and all bathroom stuff washed and dried so that's a bonus.
Hope you are all ok.
Evening all, here I is. I've been trying to get in since yesterday but either someone rang or came to the door. Everyday is kip day here, I'm so weary with battling this bloomin virus, it's very tedious. I had a fifteen minute coughing fit two nights ago, my pelvic floor has never had such a work out. I'll be cracking walnuts with my backside if it goes on much longer. Thankfully it's not chesty so I suppose it will go eventually.

Oh neti, that's so sad but you did all you could and more for Mousey. I still miss Sooty and he was only around about 18 months or so and didn't live indoors.

Howling wind down the chimbley for the past couple of days and it looks like some white stuff will be heading this way in a week or so. I'll be busy finding my way round my new toy, Tarquin's got a new Iphone and has given me his previous one, he's a good son. I can keep my current (very basic) mobi number so that's a start but as for negotiating my way around all the twiddly things ....well....I may need help. Looking forward to the first time I'm doing a swearfest text about the price of custards to my sister and I send the message to my mexico. :)

Hope you're all virus free.
Vera tonight :)

Hello Robi
You poor thing. This virus is going on a bit isnt it?
Is it an iPhone? I just could not get on with mine. I prefer Android. I sold the iPhone.
Yes neti, Iphone. I don't know the differences, I've only ever had basic cheap mobiles, so I'll do my best to get to grips with it.
Call the midwife for me
You'll be fine then if you aren't used to Android
Hope it spells better than my Samsung !!!
hello all. No idea why but i have had a headache all today and felt a bit low blood sugary although I can't be. it feels like a weather headache but the weather isn't right for that either. maybe its old age. I decided to take down the dining room curtains this weekend. They never get drawn and take light off the room so down they come.....with about a million antique cobwebs!
oh ps iphone rocks!
I'm cheering myself up with a new phone. Thinking Huawei 6,2" screen

Afternoon...bit gloomy here.
Is that a 6' 2" screen neti? :) I was saying to Tarquin how mobile phones started off large, got smaller and smaller, and now they're going the other way again. This was his reply :)
good one Robi!
It is to see the screen and typing that I'm getting a big screen
I do have s 7" Lenovo phablet but I fancy a new one! I shall try not to watch too much porn!
Good morning. Here is Neti's blog. New gold Samsung A7 being collected tomorrow and the best news is we apparently can have fibre optic which is being installed next week. Instead of 1.9 GB (which is pathetic) we will get 100s GB and a free TV box.

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