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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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WE have decided not to go to village to see The 3 Kings as it is very cold. Was 4°. Nice and cosy at home
I should imagine Mark's prick and ding food would be delicious.
We are a prick and ding lasagne with extra sauce tonight.
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I don't mind a prick and ding now and again and usually get Tesco Finest or Sainsbury's ones.Iceland do good ready meals as well but these are awful. They're from somewhere called Parsley Box and you don't even have to freeze them so god knows what amount of crud is in them as a preservative.There's one called pureed root veg.It looks like a bowl of sick...ugh.
I hope your eyes are ok Jno.I don't like it when they puff that stuff in ,it always makes me jump!
Anyway, I've got gammon on the go for later with broccoli and cauli cheese and roast spuds .....shall I be awful and give Mr S one of his ready meals while I tuck in :)
No poor Mr S it was done out of care and concern!!
Gammon here tomorrow with dauphinoise potato and runner beans. Looking forward to it.
Shaney that is mean! I spent some of today going through 5 boxes of photographs. I put three boxes for shredding. some smiles, some tears but mostly pleased to get rid of of more clutter. I am not a looking at photos person, they just sit around taking up space and making me unhappy. Decs down tomorrow.
I spent yesterday reading through two diaries 1977/78. Qow what a life we had, always out eating and drinking
Some times 2 restaurants in a day
How I am still slim and alive beats me. I was always washing bedding and my hair even with no washing machine and no hair drier
It was a time of smoking and I did hate the smell of it on waking up
No wonder we like staying at home now. It shows the island when it was good albeit hedonistic but we all helped everyone in every way when needed
Not like now with scammers and con artists ! I'm glad I lived through it!
Lovely sunny day and crisp.
Hope we are all in fine fettle!

oh great, we are all set for lunch at Langan's tomorrow and my crown has come out again. Only leaves me with about three teeth to eat with :-(
soup, sole and mashed potato?
I have filled three more bin bags with rubbish.
Well done woofy. Yes I intend to have a big clear out when I can get round to it.
Freezing here
Afghan coat weather at last! Council is dismantling all town decs. Very sad.
Am sitting at pavement cafe having coffee but one is enough as too cold. Washing hanging limply no chance of it drying!
Hope you are all settled into New Year. Jno I have one top tooth and one bottom bottom tooth which enable me to chomp
I have others so look ok and not Jeremy Kylyish but cant chomp.
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Morning all
Same old dull weather.
You don't need to go to Langan's if you've got a dodgy crown Jno,you can come round here,we have some nursery food you can eat :)
Well done you Woofy.I keep looking in my wardrobe at stuff I no longer wear and must get rid of some of them.

oh that was just junk Shaney. I have got another three bags from the wardrobe sort (mostly what the heck was I thinking when I bought THAT!) I had one of those charity collection bags today, a real one, so the clothes will be going out for collection on wednesday. The house should be empty but somehow it isn't.
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I know the feeling Woofy. I make space and somehow it gets filled up again.I've revamped my school uniform too and now wear treggings and jeggings with long tops,tunics, jumpers so have a load of trousers and shorter tops/t shirts that I no longer wear.
I need to be ruthless and pare my wardrobe down.
WOOFY!! STOP IT!you e got me at it now. I cleared laundry room ;ive cleared side patio and I've sorted my boots(how can one person have so many?) Havemt actually thrown any boots out kust sorted into wear and dont wear! Then I've done the computer room. Now my back is aching, nose is running and I've had enough!! But did take absolute loads to rubbish!
its the same clear out I have been doing since may 2016. In my defence, so many things have intervened like a garage door collapsing (needed to clear half of the garage for repair), a kitchen ceiling falling in (two new showers) and a garden shed needing replacing. from the beginning I was DETERMINED not to just shove things away but to reorganise down to the bare shelf or drawer and I have done it. once the house is done, I will hit the attic and then celebrate.
the beef was so soft I could have eaten it with my gums. Likewise the chocolate fondant. Not cheap but I've never been there before so it was worth it. Plus nice to see my sisters.

I am throwing away old history magazines. I used to clip out articles I wanted to keep, now I just download them. I have been very slack so I still have two years' worth to go, then lots of old National Geographics (not sure if they're online) then Sight and Sounds. That should occupy most of 2019 and result in about a square metre more space in the house.
Shaney, Michael Portillo is on BBC2 again.
This time in Alaska I do so want to go there!
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I watched it Neti.Very good as usual with Michael in his colourful clothes and what wonderful scenery although he's only travelling around a small part of it as it's so vast.
I didn't realise it only cost around 7 million dollars to buy it from Russia although that was quite a bit of dosh back then I suppose and there are still Russian Orthodox communities there.
Father Brown is back in the afternoons as well .The first one was today.
I'm also watching another Spanish costume drama on Netflix called Velvet about a fashion house in the fifties .Very good light entertainment and I can try and understand a bit of Spanish if I listen carefully and read the subtitles.
Buenas noches queridos.

Morning folks, just stumbling in and out for now. It's ok, I've got my face covered... yes, I've still got it, 12 days so far of this rotten, stinking cold.

I just wanted to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to shaney. Whatever you're doing I hope it's a good one. xx
Feliz cumpleaños Shaney. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! cant do a pretty card as only got phone atm!
Hello Robi. 12 days is a bit much. I felt rough so took anti bios that I had as hija was here and didnt want to spoil the time. Get well soon!

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