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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Does this mean my typing wil improve????
no but you can post mistakes faster. :)
Tipping it down here and grey and horrible. We were going out for a drive today to the bottle bank but dogs looked out the door and went hell no.
a bit damp here but our barometer still insists it is set fair, Maybe I should hang it by the window so it can see what's really going on out there.
Morning. Damp day. Am on new phone. It has a bigger screen but still can't see it!!
good afternoon its cooooooold here. The window cleaner came this morning and did a bit of a gutter sort out for me. The dogs spent 2 hours running from window to window inside following him and this afternoon are happily flaked out so no outing today. Fine with me, I have done sorting and tidying and the house looks a lot brighter and clearer. I am going to play with the instant pot for dinner.....I have only ever used it for slow cooking and tonight I am going to try pressure cooking.
Hi woody I lost the impetus to clear junk after we lost Mousey but have started thinking about it again now. So much unnecessary junk in drawers and cupboards. Just lighted a log fire this afternoon and lazed as damp dark and cold and wet here too.
Woody? Woody ! oh not again! Can you please change your name woofy???
thoght I might go and see the Canary Wharf lights but realised before I'd got to the station that I was at least three layers short for going anywhere near the river.
There are nice jno are they all year?
Just having a coffee in the cold as have had nails done. Nothing exciting this time, quite short and a pale milky pinky orange.
This afternoon we are supposed to have fibre optic installed but I doubt it will be. At the moment we only have 1.2 gb which won't even make toast!! I won't hold my breath!!!
No fibre optic today. Coming Monday!!!
no, just a week or two in the new year. Some years there is also a similar collection of light shows in the West End, but not this year.

Last year they illuminated Westminster Abbey

Possibly the way it was when it was built; cathedrals were usually brightly painted when new, I believe.

OH is back in hospital but only for the day, I hope. Bad kidney pains probably caused by a diuretic taken to deal with some other complication plus vomiting that was probably caused by a tummy bug. One complication after another.
Good evening all...oooh, it's been bitter the past couple of days, my sister had a light covering of snow yesterday. I'm still coughing sometimes and a bit sinusy but thankfully improved.

I reluctantly made a start on a big sort out this afternoon, I hate that 'don't know where to start' feeling, and I'm now looking at slightly tidier clutter so I feel a bit more motivated. Why can I never throw cardboard boxes away? Maybe I need to get creative

Wishing your OH a speedy recovery jno. Those lights are beautiful. We're lucky to have street lights, my sister's go out at midnight, I'd hate that.

Hope you're ok shaney?
hello all. Jno wishing your OH all the best. Yes cathedrals were often painted both inside and out. Patches of faded paint were found on the backs of the statues at Wells when the West Front was restored some years ago....Elizabeth Goudge also mentions paint on some of the interior statuary in her book City of Bells.
Robi I have to be in the mood to tidy. I blasted on a bit today but who knows where my mojo will be tomorrow?
hopeing everyone else is fine and not freezing.
That is stunning jno oh I do miss out. Also we have no street lights up my way at all. Our lane is all up and down and lumpy so have to use a torch. I wear on of those head ones so my hand are free.
Oh jno sorry about your OH. Hopefully to be returned to your casa bright and cheerful mañana!
OH is back now, feeling improved but not perfect. Apparently the hospital suggested the possibility of kidney stones. We'll monitor the situation (but absolutely NO Nurofen).
Tell OH to take it easy and wrap up warm and cosy.
Evening all. Just checking in. Shandy are you ok? Hope jnos OH is feeling better now. Rob I hope you are continuing to improve and woofy hope you and the dogs are alright.
Very quiet normal day here. Big log fire which I love, Mr N made a lovely rice dish similar to paella but lighter and easier to eat. Am now in bed watching Casualty. Good night x
hello all grey cold damp day here. pottered around and did sorting, pulled out my jewellery and put it away again. I thought about selling some as I never wear it but I don't need to and I might want to bling up one day. Nothing else to report really. Sleep well all.

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